Chapter 17: Want U Back

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I swear this song came out after i wrote this. ^ xD


"Michael?" I whispered through the phone.

"Yes baby?"
"Kim, why are you whispering? Is everything alright?"
"No- I'm in love with you?"

I heard him laugh on the other end and it instantly put a smile on my face.

"I'm more in love, sweetheart." [AN: Like actually imagine Mike saying that to you im dying]
I giggled. Then I got serious. "Mikey"

"Are you busy, love? Like in the studio or..?"
"No we crashed for the night. Why?"
"Babe what's wrong?" He panicked.
"Calm down." I told him. "I'm fine..just-"
"Kim you're freaking me out, I'm coming to get you." And I heard the unmistakable sound of a jacket slamming against the back of a certain blue-haired pikachu.

"Yes- please do. I- I'm scared."
"Of what, baby?" My lip trembled.
"Mike just get here, please."


I sprang up from the couch and tripped over the over-night bag I had prepared. I breathed out his name in relief and wrapped my arms around him. I felt his huge hands grip my back and his hair against my cheek as he buried his face in my shoulder.

"Tell me what's wrong?" He asked as soon as he'd let go.
"I..I just don't wanna be alone here." I said, not completely offering the truth to him. Michael caressed my cheek, his face softening. "Baby you should have said so earlier." He kissed my temple and took my hand. "Come on."

"Let me just grab my night back."

With one hand in Michael's, and the other one holding a small checkered bag it was probably my last night in that house. I just had a feeling.


"Yeah?" I cuddled close to his bare chest. He wrapped his arms around me and looked me in the eye.
"Do you love me?"
"More than you can imagine."
"But do you love me?"
"Yes I do, Michael. I love you. To Neptune and back." I told him.
"Yes Michael?"
"If you had to prove your love to someone, how would you do it?"
For a while, I was silent: confused and wishful, then I found my tongue, tracing my finger across his pale and warm skin.

"You don't have to say 'I love you' to say I love you, Mike. It doesn't have to be said with words. Love, is expressed through actions. And not just intimate actions, you know? Doing little things for your loved one because you just want to- not because you have to. And, me? I'd be there for the person I love no matter what. I'd be there through thick and thin. For better or worse, and I'd stick by them through anything. And I wouldn't turn my back on them. And I wouldn't ever make them feel any less loved than they actually are and I wouldn't keep secrets. I would give myself, soulfully, to them because if I loved someone, I'd love them to the core of their soul. And if I loved someone, I'd give them all of me, and I wouldn't hold anything back, because when you love someone, you don't - you don't try to rub it in their face. Love's like a mutual understanding. Like, you just know that you love them, and they know it too, and it's like when you say 'I love you', you're announcing it for people to hear, but you've known it all along; so -you don't have to prove your love. You have to express it."

I slightly smirked at the quite look on his face. Then I fathomed at my own words. - but this wasn't the cheeky, naughty Michael. This was Michael.

I leaned forwards, looking into his blue eyes, and connected our lips. I felt his lips, warm and tingly against mine as he kissed me back, and it turned hungry- his hands roamed up and down my body, trying to prove himself, but I swear I didn't need any proof he offered. His mere existence made me so overwhelmed, it was enough.

I trailed my hands to the back of his neck and rubbed the base of it with my thumb. I sighed against his lips, my gut tightening. He ducked his head and planted kisses all over my neck. By now, he had me flat on my back and himself atop. He looked at me, and I looked into his eyes again that had turned three shades darker- such a different look in them.

"Let me express my love to you. Let me make you feel as loved as you deserve to be- let me give you my all. Let me love you."


The next morning, still wrapped around each other, my eyes flickered open only seconds after his. "Morning, baby girl." He croaked, his voice low and husky.
"Good morning," I smiled. He stared at me for a minute before enveloping my lips between his- sucking slightly on my lower lip. I shivered. "I love you."

Michael grinned at me. "I'm just gonna hop into the shower real quick- okay?" I nodded and blushed as I watched his exposed back retreat. Smiling to myself I opened my phone and logged on to Twitter. The first thing I saw made my stomach churn unpleasantly

@HeffronDrive: I want u back, don't you know how hurt I am?
Was my fault, I know- but please, I just want you back.
Don't you know how lost i am?

Then there were Retweets, and Quotes and Favorites and then I was tagged into it so many times and all it did was made my want to cry and throw up and go deaf all at the same time. My phone rung in my hands and a Whatsapp notification joined the others. I slid it down to reveal five messages. I scanned the unknown ID at the bottom. There was a pretty long message, but I read the last line and ignored everything else.

'Kim I'm really sorry. I wasn't being rational. I've come to my senses. Hear me out, Please.'

"Kim you look like you're riding a croc." A voice said and I looked up to see Michael with a towel around his waist. I felt myself blush. "Nah only you- but not today." His eyes widened and he laughed and smirked- his face now a hint of pink.

"But on a graver note..." I said. "I have to tell you something."

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