Chapter 5: Rescue

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I tracked down Kim's place. Something felt very wrong about the house as I parked in front of her jeep.
"Kim! Open up!" I shouted, pounding on the door. I heard a dull thud from inside; the unmistakable sound of something fall over. I hurried around the house, thank fully, the back door was open. I helped myself in, and- almost had a heart failure.

In a corner of the kitchen, there lay Kimberly Eva Hadley, surrounded by a puddle of blood. I rushed to her side. "Kim! Kim, wake up- hey, look at me! Kim!" But she didn't move. Quickly as I could, I called for an ambulance. They arrived within minutes. I grabbed Kim's phone from the island and got in with the nursing squad, or whatever they were called. I opened Kim's contact list and looked for Kendall. There were two contacts under 'K'. Katrina and 'K-Bear'. My gut told me the latter and I clicked on his name. To my immense surprise, he didn't answer. It rung, and it rung and it rung, but no one picked up. I called Kevin instead.

"Kim?" An unfamiliar voice came through.
"I'm sorry, no, this is Rebecca, her best friend. Is this Kevin Schmidt?"
"Yeah... this is him, why are you calling me? And where is Kim?" So I told him.

"I felt like something wasn't right when I talked to her earlier this morning, so I decided to check in on her, and when I got there, the door was locked, and she wouldn't open up, so I went through the back door to the kitchen and I saw her lying in a pool of blood. I tried calling Kendall because I figured he would want to know, but he hasn't answered so I thought I'd call you. and it- it's serious, Kevin. She's unconscious, bleeding. I'm on my way to the hospital with her. You have to get there with Kendall as soon as you can, please."

"Um,.." He hesitated "I'll try to make him come, he won't though. He's being a douche right now. I'm on my way- don't worry."

I said goodbye to the new stranger and threw both of the phone sin my bag as we climbed out of the ambulance and the sirens blared down. Kim had already been patched up a bit, but the bandage was already soaked and her color was fading quicker and quicker.

They pulled her out on a stretcher and they hurried inside the faculty. They disappeared into the ER, leaving me outside in the Waiting Room, impatiently tapping my foot and pacing the length of the bright hall.


"Kendall!" I barged into his room. He sat on the bed, legs crossed, arms folded, staring at his lap- looking wreckedly dishevelled. "Kendall, it's Kim." His head sprang up at the mention of her name. "What?"

"Kim. She's hurt and she's in the hospital, we gotta-"

"Did Michael take her there?" He asked angrily.

"What? No- Rebecca did. Now will you move your ass out of bed!?"


I grabbed her arm and attempted to grad him. "Kendall. Move." I grunted out. He fell on the floor on his side and groaned. "Awesome. Now get your feet under you."

"I'm not going to Kevin! If you want to, fine!"

I was about to slap him, but resisted the urge and turned on heel. I made ym way out and drove over the hospital.

"Hi, I'm here for Kim Hadley?" I asked at the reception. The middle-aged women looked up at me. "Are you family?"



"I'm her b- cousin."

"Sorry, I can't let you thorugh."

"Why the- ?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but-"


I turned around and saw a tall, pretty girl with jet black hair, who was unmistakably Rebecca. There was something about the way she held herself that just gave off a Kim-ish vibe. "Where's Kendall?" She asked. I shook my head in defeat. Rebecca turned to the lady behind the table. "He's with me." She said, more as a command, rather than a statement. She grabbed my arm and I followed her to the elevator.

"How is she?" I asked immediately.

"Unconscious." Her lip quivered and tears edged her eyes.

"Becca." I said softly, already feeling brotherly towards the younger girl. He put my hand on her bony shoulder. "Hey, she's gonna be okay." But inside, I knew nothing was gonna be okay for a while.

"Why would she do something like this?" She wept. "Why wouldn't she talk to me?"

"You don't know what happened, do you?" I asked, feeling a pang in my stomach. She shook her head as the elevator dinged open. We walked to her separate room. I launched into explanation. By the time we reached her door, I was done and she was speechless.

"But that's not possible." She finally managed. "She would never do that, it was probably just the paps messing up again, right?" I shrugged.

I looked at Kim's broken figure lying under the covers.

"What did she do?" I whispered.

"Cut herself." Rebecca sobbed, breaking down completely.

"Hey.." I moved towards her, but at the same moment, another man entered the room.

"Who're you?" We asked in unison. I cracked a smile. "I'm Kendall's older brother. Kevin Schmidt." I held out a hand to shake.

"Rebecca's my fiance. I'm Cole." He said, possessively. I mean, he could have said I'm her fiance, but no- Rebecca's my fiance. Okay.

"Good to meet you." He shook my hand and calmed her down. "What did you tell the hag?" I asked, stroking Kim's bandage.

"The truth." He said.

"Which is..?"

"I told her I'm her sister's husband." I stared incredulously at him.

"I told her I was her cousin, and she didn't let me in." I said.

"Must have a thing against blondes." Cole smirked.

I ignored the comment and turned back to Kim.

"Wake up, Hadley."


Hey children. This story is back :)

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