Chapter 18: Nightly Thoughts

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"You! Wherever you are!" I sang the last verse of the song. Lights flahsed and the crowd roared, but really, all I could hear were the two hands clapping their awe. I could only hear her silent sniffles. I couldn't wait to get backstage and end my time in the spotlight.

"Thanks for comin' everybody!" Luke yelled.
"We love you!" I pointed at a girl near the stage. "And you!" I pointed at another. "And you!" to the next one. "And you!" To the far right, into a mass of girls. "And you!"

"And, Michael you don't have enough time to tell every single one of these beautiful people you love them." Ashton said from behind his drums. Cal and Luke laughed along with the crowd. I glared at both of them playfully.

Ashton gave one last drum solo followed by some punk guitar and smoke and fire and finally, we ran back stage.

Kim stood right at the edge, waiting- her green jumper hanging low over her left shoulder. Immediately, she launched herself at me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "That was incredible." She whispered. I spun her around once and set her on her feet again. "Thank you."

'I love you.' I mouthed to her.
'I know.' She mouthed back, smiling.
'Wherever you are.'

She leaned up on her toes and kissed me. I gladly let her ruffle my hair- which was really sweaty. Kim pulled away in disgust. "Ew!" She cried wiping her hand off my 'idiot' tank-top.

Luke turned to her. "Where's my kiss, cutie?" Kim laughed and I watched as she kissed his cheek, so very close to his lips. "Oh, come on!" He whined.

"Luke." I warned, glaring. He smirked. Kim chuckled again. She put one hand on Luke's face, covering his pierced lips and kissed the back of her hand, rolling her eyes as she did it.

"That's certainly an improvement." Luke winked at her again- but before anyone could move, in a trice I had Luke against the wall, my elbow knocked to his throat. "Behave."

Everyone bust out laughing, including the people who were moving our stuff tot he tour bus to we could head back home to LA. "Aw, Mike's jealous." "Pikachu!"

I glared at all of them, feeling my ears turning red by the second and leaving the room.

"Mike! Mike- hey, Michael!" I heard Kim calling after me. I turned around and Kim halted, almost barging into me. "What?"
"Where are you going?" She smiled in an amused way. I didn't answer her. I kept walking towards the exit. Kim caught up to me and now it was my turn to be slammed to the wall. "What's your problem Mike? What's there to be jealous of?" I looked down at her lips.

"No one can kiss you. No one but me." She bit her lip.

"Stop it." She didn't. "Kim.." She dragged her lower lip from under her teeth, and it drove me absolutely nuts. I caught her in a heavy lip-lock before she knew what hit her. She squeezed the fabric of my shirt in her fist and I pulled her closer to me, her back firmly against the opposite wall.

"I.." She struggled to speak, but I locked my fingers in her hair and blocked out her words. When I let her go, she panted slightly; eyes closed. "I love you Michael." She whispered, her head against mine. "Wherever you are."



We were back in the City of Angels, my third studio album ranking no. 3 on Fanlala, Popcrush's music charts, the new single 'You Don't Know Me' making itune's Top 50. In a way, life was good, what with the lads and Michael and I investing in a new place where all of us could live together and would have more than enough room, because apparently, Michael said I should not be left on my own at all times. Incidentally, I agreed. Rosa still took care of me, and she continued doing so when I moved in with Michael.

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