Chapter 14: Clifford Confesses

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This is like four pages off my notebook, God help.


I came to with my whole body aching like I had been hit by a truck, then trampled by a family of elephants. My face was covered with my hair. I sat up crookedly and pushed it back. I couldn't really remember what had happened and I did not recognize where I was- until I looked to my right and saw a blue head sleeping soundly on the pillow next to mine.

I fell out of bed with a clatter, breath knocked out of me- pulling the sheets with me. I screamed. The floor smelt dusty.

The disturbed human spoke in a very croaky voice that I knew. "Kim!" I didn't move. I couldn't. I was aching all over. "I can't move." I announced. The blue hair looked at me from the bed, the eyes bloodshot and a few marks on his face from sleeping on it. He grimaced.

"Hi Kim. Need help?"

I moaned. "Answers, first."
"What?" He asked and cracked his knuckled, twisting his back. I heard a series of popping noises and they sounded really comforting.

"Where am I?" I asked. "What happened last night? Did, do something?"

Michael burst out laughing. For some odd reason, it sounded delightful. 
"I don't wanna die so soon, Kim." He said.
"And where am I?" I asked, sitting up gingerly.
"Our place." 

I looked around at the vaguely familiar furniture until my head spun 870 degrees. "Ow!" I exclaimed, putting a hand to my forehead.

"Wait here," he said as he stood up and winced. "I'll get you some painkillers." I wondered how much alcohol his body was used to that he plainly winced while my body felt about 1000000 kg's. Michael returned with a glass of clear water and two tablets just as I had succeeded in hauling myself on the musty bed.

"I've called in some cleaning agency. They'll be sending people here in a while." He grinned to himself. I gulped down the meds and took a few steadying breaths. I felt the drug slowly kicking in so I tried to stand up- wrong decision, I have to admit.

Michael caught me just in time.

"You need to take it easy, Kimmers." I glared at him. He ignored me. I sat back down and looked at my dress. Okay..since when?

"They're gonna be here in about two hours, I've turned all the main power back on and I don't know if the showers are still working. Showering helps, just saying." I nodded and felt the contents of my stomach churn up. "I think puking might."

"Might." He agreed.

I wasn't feeling any resentment towards Michael. I only was mad at myself for being reckless. I had been drunk. I was actually hung over. "What the fuck was I thinking?" I mumbled.
"What was that? Sorry didn't cat it."
"Nothing." I said looking away from his gaze.

"Are my things still here?" I asked.
"I never touched anything."
"Why not?" I shot at him. He looked at me, biting the inside of his lip like he was remembering something, then shrugged. "Didn't feel right."

I didn't say anything but walked past him into the wardrobe. I grabbed an old shirt, under wear and a towel. I headed straight to the bathroom and turned all the taps on to let all the vacuum out. After some spitting and gurgling and muddy water splashing, everything cleared up. I ripped my dress off my body and immediately felt my stomach muscles relax- and with a jolt, I was forced to my knees next to the toilet.

I retched for all it was worth until some disgusting bile started coming up. I stood up shakily and washed my mouth thoroughly. I blinked a couple of times before stepping into the warm jet- trying not to think about what I was gonna have to face next.

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