Chapter 3: No Escape

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Kim's POV 

I got out of the mess of blankets on the couch that had become my cave; littered with blankets and pillows for I had practically lived on that hing for the past week and a half. It hurt so much, and it drained the energy out of me, and it hurt like hell. And that was what did this. I missed him, and I spent my whole day weeping or sleeping, balled up on the couch, eating ice cream, all day.

I didn't go out, or go to work. Neither did I get any visitors- not that I expected any, but Rebecca, maybe? I didn't get any calls, no messages, no nothing. But then again, who was gonna miss me?

Everywhere I looked, it just made me think of him. So many memories, so many moment spent inside this very house that looked so warm and inviting- now looked the exact opposite. Cold, uninviting. Flooded with unwanted memories. Dull, gloomy, and sad.

The only thing that ever made sound in this place, was either my sobs, or Fluffy. And just looking at the white furred creature reminded me of him. How he had turned up on the door step with a sparkling smile on his face. How deeply he had blushed after calling me beautiful. How he had invited me for the 'friendly' dinner date, only days later.

It was all too much. The silence seemed to be pressing on my ears and the walls of my mind was closing in, trapping me inside my own head. I wanted out. So bad, but where was the escape? In the park? Where we'd go for walks, and were I had my first kiss, both times, with him? Out in the lawn, which looked so like the Schmidt's where he had given me a piggyback ride, that had led to us locked in the sound booth? Out to the beach where we had the reunion? Where he told me no matter what scars or injuries, he'd always love me the same? Out to the busy streets with girls screaming his name left and right? And shops splattered with thing with his face on them? Where? Because those, are the last things I want. Or need. I need him back, not the memories to haunt me.

Every where I tried to think of had some connection with him. He was everywhere. Or maybe it looked to me like it?

Where should I go?
Keep hiding here? I can't just jiggly-puff away from my from my problems, only Ashton can do that. Problems don't just go away. And I can;t just forget this, either.

I should immigrate to another country? Pretend I never existed? Create a new ID? Go back to Malaysia? Yeah. That sounds good. I would go back to Asia...but where? I had no relatives, my mom was dead- another pang of pain - my dad left us when I was just 13, -and another. I can't just live in a hotel forever, can I? Or maybe I can.

I shifted out of the uncomfortable position I was in, trying to get my limbs to get on the ground, only to drop the TV's remote on the floor. It clicked on it's own, and suddenly, bright colors were flashing on the LCD screen. It was on MTV. I hadn't touched it since that night Kendall had left, and now, i couldn't bear to look at it, but the news caught my attention.

'Where are Kendall Schmidt and Kim Hadley?!' 

There was no escape.

This is serious shit :P

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