Chapter 6: One Reason

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"Loges, I'm gonna go and kick Kendall's ass. I'll be over again tomorrow."

I had been in the hospital for two days straight and Kim hadn't showed any signs of improvement. The doctor said that of she didn't wake up in another day or two, they would assume it's a coma. Honestly, if Kendall wasn't my brother I would have already killed him, then resurrected him, and then killed him again. I knew he had feelings for Kim, and hell, he knew it too, but he just didn't want to admit it because he was just scared of being proved wrong. Ass.

"Kendall Francis Schmidt" I said, as I burst through his door again. He was sitting on the floor this time, and since the last time I had seen him, he hadn't changed. He looked more worn out than I had ever seen him look before. His guitar rested against his leg, and a few music sheets were spread out before him. He looked up at me for a micro-second and continued to scribble on the sheets.

"Kim's still unconscious." I said

"So?" He asked

"They say it might be a coma." I said

"So?" He repeated.

"So!? So, you asshat! Get your butt down there and be there with her. Help her come back and get yourself in a better condition!"


"Because you love her Kendall." I deadpanned. "You love her, and you know it, and I know it."

He stayed silent.

"Kendall -"

"I don't love her anymore, Kevin." My jaw dropped. Fine little brother. Fine. Now you wait on your sorry little non-existing ass and you watch me keep you from her. You wait.

I turned around and I left his room. I took a quick shower, and I changed into fresh clothes. I helped myself to some fruits. Then mom came inside. "Any news?" She asked sitting down beside me on the couch. I shook my head quietly and lied my head down in her lap. "None," I said. "Except you son is an idiot."

"Which one?" She smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes. "The taller one."

"My son is your brother too."

"I refuse to believe that. My brother was a nice person." She smacked my head. "Ow?"

"He's going through a tough ordeal."

"It's his own fault mom. If he would've just-"

"Kevin, how do you know Kim is telling the truth. Or rather, was telling the truth."

I sprang up. "Mom. Are you actually saying she did cheat on him?"

"I never said that." I raised my eyebrows at her. "Then?"

But before she could answer, my phone rang, indicating a call from Logan.

"Hey." I said, rubbing my neck.

"She's awake!"

"When?" I asked, sliding my legs off the couch.

"Just now." He said. "They're checking her vitals, she's really pale."

"Okay, okay- I'm on my way."

I stood up and grabbed my car keys again. "Where are you going?" Mom asked.

"Kim's awake." I told her.


I looked back and glared at her, though I knew it was rude of me to do so, but I was just so angry. Nobody was even trying to understand my position here. Kim was like a little sister to me, and I couldn't help but feel protective towards her, and want to kick Kendall's ass.

"She's not -" Mom said.

"Who are you and what have you done with my mother?"

"Kevin- "

"No mom." I said, and went out the door. "Unbelievable." I mumbled, igniting the engine. What had got into all of them? Why was mom so against Kim? Her, specially.


"Kim!" I exclaimed as soon as I saw her. She looked up with a hollow look in her eyes, her hair an absolute mess. A small, small smiled appeared on her face. "Hey Kev." She barely croaked.

"How are you?"

"Realizing what an extreme disappointment I am- and I don't even have anyone to disappoint." She scoffed. I frowned slightly.

"Kim, you have us." Rebecca said. I look at her...yeah but that didn't really make sense. Kim chuckled weakly. "Yeah, Becs, way to go. You're still the same person."

I sat down next to Kim's bed. "Talk to me."

"I should've died." She whispered, a ran running askew.

"Kim... come on, please don't be like that." I tried to comfort her.

"What?" She asked, tears flying from her eyes now.

"Don't do this to yourself." I said, trying to maintain my calm. I wanted to be mature about the situation, because Kim needed at least someone around to be the grown-up around her. Clearly, Cole and Rebecca were doing an excellent job, and I could expect nothing less of Logan.

"Why did you do it?" I asked softly.

"You know what?" The tears stopped and she focused on her sheets. "For a minute before, I fainted, I felt like everything was going to be okay. I didn't feel anything; I stopped feeling anything and it was like the human pain was going away, and for a moment, I felt inhuman, and I liked that... " She stopped and looked at me. "Insane isn't it. I've been thinking about it for only thirty minutes, and I feel like I have a few answers now. It's like I know an escape -"

"Kim, but -"

"But, WHAT!?" She shouted, immediately flaring up. "Give me a reason, Kevin. Give me one damn reason. One reason for me to not do what I want to. Come on, Kevin. Tell me something that will make me want to change my mind. Tell me something that'll make me want to live."

"Know that he loves you."

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