Chapter 16: Stolen Sights

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Something woke me up in the middle of the night. I groped around for the night lamp and switched it on. The time on the wall clock, I finally managed to decipher, read 04:56 AM. I looked down at Kim, sleeping soundly in my hooked arm. In my arms. I smiled to myself, the thought was so blissful it lulled me back to my slumber again.

When I woke up again, about four hours later, the sunlight was barely passing through the thick curtains, so it was a cozy light and kept the atmosphere stable.

I shifted my weight on my right shoulder and faced Kim. I called out her name and shook her arm, gently. "Kim."

"Kimsy, bimsy baby. You know I'm so crazy- so crazy, so crazy 'bout you, it makes my head hazy and my thoughts all, um.." I chuckled at my loss of rhyming words. I got a sleepy giggle in response. I grinned and lazily got out of bed. Kim sighed into the pillows and tugged at my shirt. "Stay."

I laughed and got to my feet before leaning back and kissing her nose. I grabbed her arms, and pulled her out of the covers- her, thrashing around in protest.

"Come on! Lets go get some breakfast."

We got dressed for the wintry morning and left. I texted Ashton of my whereabouts and that I would be in the studio that night and once again, found myself in Starbucks and with a cake and a coffee on the little table. "How's your head?" I asked Kim.

"Huh?" She looked away from the window.
"How's your head?" I repeated, smiling. "And what's so curious outside?"
"Head feels fine...I juts thought I saw someone out there." She bit her lip. Stop, please stop.

"Who?" She looked meek when she spoke again.

Maybe it was coincidence, but at the same moment a few camera flashes went off and as people began to gather around us, I took Kim's hand and pulled her along to the open air to get somewhere safer.

Kim and I ended up at the band's place where everyone was already there. It was like a reunion of sorts. They seemed too happy to see here. I could see the delight in Luke's eyes- but it wasn't just that. There was a hint of concern. I could get that, but something felt fishy.


"Missed you, sis." Ashton said, his accent making me flush. If Michael and I hadn't been together it definitely would have been him. Or Luke. Or Calum. They're all hot, fuck.

Luke was the last one to give me another hug. The rest of the day, all of us just hung out. Michael and Luke sang some of the songs they were writing and when Calum dragged Ashton out for something, it was just Luke and I in the lounge since Michael was in the loo.

I could be very British sometimes. 'Loo'.

"I have to tell you something, Kim." Luke said, talking very quickly.
"I love you too." I said stupidly.
"Yes, that's all fine- but I'm serious babe."

Luke and I had a thing of calling each other names such as babe, cutie, hotshot and baby. It was a long while back, and it didn't feel foreign to me at all. In fact, it felt like it was gonna be okay.

"What's wrong?" I asked, sensing urgency in his tone. "Hot shot?"
"I saw him today."
"He's back in LA."
"Please, please Kim. Don't let go off Mikey over there. He doesn't deserve that."
"Luke, what are you talking about?"
"Babe, You have to take my word for it. I care about you, and seeing you drunk as hell that night was downright fucking scary. Please don't try to find him. He's not worth it-"

"Lucas- who!?" I shouted in frustration.
"That bullshitter, Schmidt."


Michael dropped me off at my place before it was time for dinner.

He slithered his arms around my waist and smiled, his eyes glazed over.
"You make me so happy." I bit my lip and blushed.
"You need to stop doing that." He breathed out. I frowned.
"Don't bite your lips- it's literally arousing." I laughed.

Michael leaned down and brushed his lips over mine, pulling away after a perfect amount of time. He always knew when to do what regarding such situations. He was a guru that way, I guess. I told him all four of them were invited to stay but they had a recording session to get to next morning, so they couldn't really stick around.

Yeah. As if they would got to sleep early.

The thought of being alone in the house haunted me for the first time. I had decided to put my cat up for adoption again and I'd miss it, but I wanted to get rid of everything, because it really was time for me to let it go. Maybe I just needed to meet someone new to know that he wasn't all worth it. Maybe the girls were right. Maybe Hotshot was right.

I wanted nothing to do with Kendall. Nothing at all. I wanted to be done, and over with him. Everything that was between us, was over, and I wanted nothing but to stay away from him. If he cared, he wouldn't have gone on vacation knowing I was in pain. Clearly, he didn't.

It was like being with Michael and the lads had brought me to clarity.
They had brought me to another reality.

And I like this reality. It was stress-free. I felt better around Mike and the boys. Maybe I liked this life better? What should I have done? I needed advice.

And after a while of pondering, I felt like banging my head against the wall. It was so straight forward. So clear- why hadn't I thought of it before? Realization hit me too late.

"Loges?" I called into the phone.
"Uh, is this who I think this is?" Logan asked, I could hear the goofiness. I laughed.
"Yeah, it's me. How're you?"
"Great. Bored. Full. Kinda hungry. Little busy. In Love."
"Wow, that's a lot of things."

He snickered on the other end.

"So what can I assist you with?"
"Advice, Henderson." I sighed. "I need serious advice."
"What about?"
"Look- you're one of my best friends. Have been, since week two, but you are also somebody else's best friend."
"You mean Ken-"
"He's um,"
"Listen. I couldn't care less about what he's doing or where he is, okay? I just- I just want someone to talk to right now."
"O-okay, go on."
"Logan, I don't know what to do! I spent two freaking months crying over him while he vacay'ed in Europe. But now that I have finally found someone who makes me happy, he's back- and apparently he ran into Luke or something and-"
"Kim, I can't say I know how you feel, because I don't. But honestly, I do know that you didn't cheat on him. I know you."
"And Luke probably was right."
"B-because he's was here with me a while ago- and he's um, angry."
"What's he angry for?" I asked humorlessly.
"He thinks you were with blue-head all along-"
"Don't call him that!"
"Sorry. He thinks you were with your boyfriend all along, and that you really did cheat."
"That's ridonculous!"
"I know."

There was the sound of the bell behind me, so I put my plate down.

"Wait a second, there's someone at the door."

On the other line, I heard Logan grumble like a grizzly bear. I wiped my hands on my apron and went to the door. Looking through the peephole, I saw nothing. I frowned and opened the door. I stepped out and looked around. I saw a silver Lexus leave my premises. I gasped.



Yes, so Im back kind of.
Also, my school sucks and i have exams.
But ill be here. no worries.

I have a lot things typed down
so ill keep putting those up.

Ok. Peace. X

Also, that song is so fucking beautiful ill die

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