Hey !

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Hey lovelies!

Sorry for the delay in the story- I've been so busy!
But the wait's over! I'm going to update tomorrow as soon as I'm back from school as tomorrow is Friday, and tomorrow afternoon is free as well! (have i told you guys about my evening classes?)
And guess whattt.

My Saturdays are initially ruined, but I think I have Monday afternoon free as well because of some work going on at the evening academy and so I'll have lots of time!

I'm going to try and update all of my stories- if you haven't checked them out yet, please do! It would mean so much to me!

If you've been reading my stories for a while, you'll probably know, but if you're new, first of all- Hey!! Second of all, here's a list of my current projects!

- Kendall Schmidt Imagines (more than a 100 one-shots!)
- Don't Forget About Me
- Wizards Vs. Angels
(a Wizards of Waverly Place reenactment)
- Always Yours!

& besides all of the Kendall Schmidt fanfics, I've very recently got some general fiction ideas, one of them which have been posted, it's called Celibacy and it's my new favorite thing to fantasize about. Here's a little bit about it.

For those of whom do not know, I'm a Muslim.
Coming from a Muslim family, and growing up watching all these foreign people date and shiz, we don't and can't do that. What I've done, and what all of us do, is witness what we have and seen it blossom as before our eyes.

Celibacy is basically about my cousin, who got engaged last year, and at first it was all really awkward for her and her husband because obviously, they had never met before or anything. But as time went on...- wait if I told you here you wouldn't read! Haha.

So head out! Click my face up there, (who am i kidding, it's Connor Franta's face ;) ) and visit my profile! Thank you so much lovelies! Check them out and leave your feedback! I love reading it!

(also, if you guys could, please spread the word out about my stories if you like them- it would mean the entire world to me. See you soon!!)

- Kisa xxx

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