This is a story of fiction, written originally by the author under the name SHYYU. Any persons, names, places and etc that has relations to real life are coincidental or merely for the sake of storylines. Every words written are fictional to both the author and readers thus they are not to be taken seriously by any parties. Apologies are offered from the author prior the first chapter for any mistakes that might offend the readers in the future. Readers are welcome to give feedbacks and criticism.
The author will try her best to write a story that is suitable for readers of all ages, Inshaallah. But also hopes to make you blush and giggle from reading her story until your toes are curled out of excitement.
In the words of the author herself...
"Some stories are meant to be told, but the best ones are written to be read."🖤🖤🖤
For you,
the delulu who dreams of a sexy billionaires with glasses as your husband,
may it be true🖤🖤🖤
SAINT : Vous Me Possédez
Romance"Kahwin dengan I, Kazi." "Tapi kita tak pernah dating. Kenal pun tak sampai setahun. Awak sanggup ambil risiko untuk saya?" Kazi Elle Qausar jatuh cinta dan memendamnya beberapa bulan tanpa pengetahuan si jejaka sebab dia manusia yang malu. Lagipun...