child//atsushi & mori & Fukuzawa//

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-fluff and angst?

-au-fukuzawa and mori always wanted a child so they decided to make atsushi their child. (Mori isn't a pedophile)

Warning: drugging,

(Fukuzawa x mori)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Fukuzawa basically welcome to many orphans into the agency, he never actually grown really attached to them though and he's never see them as his children but when atsushi came to the agency, fukuzawa got attached to atsushi. Atsushi was a sweet, kind person, many people love him but atsushi wasn't really that different from the other agency members. Fukuzawa didn't know why but he got attached to atsushi, he started to see atsushi as his child, fukuzawa wanted to protect atsushi. He hated seeing atsushi get injured on missions, he didn't want his child to be injured, he wanted to take care of his kid.

Maybe fukuzawa was going crazy because he has a idea but this idea was fuck up. "You..want to kidnapped atsushi and drugs him and make him our child?" Mori asked, honestly mori couldn't believe it, fukuzawa was always the responsible one and mori is the crazy one so he was surprised about this. Fukuzawa just nodded though, mori just stare at his husband for a few minutes before speaking again. "Are you sure about this? I mean, I'm fine with this." Mori asked with a small smirk, mori didn't have a problem with it, mori wanted children too so he wasn't against it and he's crazy but he wanted to make sure, his husband was actually okay with this. "Yes..I'm sure..I want atsushi to be our child, our baby." Fukuzawa said, he was serious about this.

"Alright then.." Mori said with a smile, mori was the port mafia boss, he basically has access to many drugs so he knew where to get the drugs and it was pretty easy to kidnap atsushi. No one even noticed that atsushi was kidnapped, which was a good thing. Atsushi was dizzy, he was confused as well, atsushi didn't know where he was but suddenly he saw mori. "you're finally awake." Mori softly said with a small smile, immediately atsushi looked terrified, which was to be expected. "Don't worry, I won't hurt fact..I'm going to take care of you. Me and yukichi will take care of you." Mori explained, atsushi didn't understand what was happening. "I can take care of myself." Atsushi slowly said, mori just pat atsushi head.

Atsushi barely took care of himself the orphanage didn't teach him much and dazai didn't teach atsushi shit, end though dazai was responsible for atsushi. "You won't have to take care of and yukichi will take care of you..that what parents do." Mori said, atsushi looked shocked, atsushi didn't know what to say. "Now, I'll make something to eat..I'm sure, you're hungry." Mori softly said as he walked away, leaving atsushi alone. Atsushi didn't know what to do now, atsushi thought about leaving but he couldn't because his ability wasn't working. Mori obviously use a special drugs on atsushi so atsushi couldn't use his ability so he was stuck in the room.

Atsushi didn't know what else to do so he started to cry, atsushi didn't know what to think about this, it was all confusing for him. "Sweetie..why are you crying?" Fukuzawa softly asked as he walked into the room, atsushi just say nothing as fukuzawa get closer. Fukuzawa just sighed as he tried to pull atsushi into a hug but atsushi started to kick fukuzawa but it didn't really work so atsushi was pull into a hug. "It okays.." Fukuzawa softly said, atsushi just keep on crying, atsushi was basically sobbing into Fukuzawa chest. Soon mori came back with atsushi favorite food, the tea on rice has drugs in it though and it was going to make atsushi weak so this gave them an opportunity to take care of atsushi.

"I made your favorite." Mori softly said, atsushi was still crying but it wasn't sobbing and slowly they fed their child. Atsushi didn't fight back because he was hungry and he didn't taste the drugs at all. "It can go to sleep.." Fukuzawa softly said, atsushi just slowly close his eyes, he was exhausted, the drugs was also taken effect really quickly so atsushi was weak. "It might take a while for atsushi to get used to this." Mori said, fukuzawa just nodded as they put atsushi in a bedroom, mori was rich so he has a bedroom completely made for their baby. "Don't worry..No one will find out." Mori softly said, mori made sure to leave no evidence so ranpo can't help at all. Fukuzawa just smile as he slowly brushes his hands through atsushi soft uneven hair.

He finally has a child, he was going to take care of atsushi and he will make sure no one hurt atsushi again. Mori just smile, he never got that atsushi would now be his child but he didn't mind it at all. Soon fukuzawa and mori went to bed as well. The agency member has no idea on what mori and Fukuzawa did, even ranpo and dazai knew nothing about it and they just thought that atsushi was missing but they couldn't find their friend at all. Atsushi hates it, he was so weak, all atsushi could do was really cry. "No!" Atsushi yell between sob, fukuzawa just rock atsushi, just like mother or father do to their babies, when they're upset.

Atsushi keep on sobbing for quite a while, soon the crying stop and atsushi was getting tired so they decided to put a pacifier in atsushi mouth because atsushi was a baby, there baby. Atsushi didn't have the energy to spit it out so he slowly started to suck on it as he laid on fukuzawa lap. "It normal for baby to throw tantrums.." Mori softly said, atsushi just glare at mori, atsushi wasn't a baby but they were treating him like one. Atsushi hates it but he started to like it, atsushi was never taken care of so it felt amazing, when someone took care of him.

Atsushi didn't know how to feel now, he was starting to like it, which was wrong, what mori and fukuzawa were doing was wrong. Atsushi got many things, he had many toys, even though he wasn't a child or a baby, he started to play with them because he couldn't do anything else. Atsushi didn't really understand though, mori and fukuzawa were acting like parents, mori was the dada and fukuzawa was mama. They didn't force atsushi to call them that but they would refer themselves as mama or dada. Atsushi was getting used to it, he started to see them as parents, atsushi was getting used to this new life.

"Mama.." Atsushi suddenly said, he didn't even realize what he was saying, atsushi has a nightmare, he wanted his mama or dada, he wanted to be comforted. Atsushi started to cry, the nightmare were always about the orphanage. Fukuzawa and mori heard the crying so they immediately went to atsushi room. "Mama!" Atsushi said ad he make grabby hands towards fukuzawa and mori. "Shh, it okays..mama here.." Fukuzawa softly said as he hold atsushi in his arms, mori just rub atsushi back as atsushi cry into Fukuzawa chest. "No one is going to hurt're safe." Mori softly said, atsushi just slowly calm down. Atsushi was now just hiccuping once in a while, both mori and fukuzawa stayed with atsushi until atsushi fell asleep again.

The plan actually work, atsushi saw them as parents, fukuzawa and mori were so happy.

(First it was chuuya and dazai then it was fukuzawa and mori, who will be next?)

(🤲who do you think will be next?)

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