life//atsushi & the hunting dogs//

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-fluff and bit of angst

-au-fukuchi find atsushi and make him join the hunting dogs.

Warning: mention of abuse.

(I think the reason I'm confused is because of the different language, I don't think it translating right?)

(It so bad)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was living in a orphanage but one day, atsushi decided to run away because he didn't want to deal with the abuse. Atsushi ran as fast as he could, the headmaster didn't even stop him, atsushi just kept running and running until he couldn't anymore. Atsushi didn't know where he was, he was by a road and he saw a man. "A kid? What are you doing here?" Fukuchi asked, atsushi just looked terrible, atsushi didn't want to be send back to the orphanage.

"I ran away..from a orphanage.." Atsushi slowly said as he curls up into a ball, atsushi does that for protection. Fukuchi just nodded as he looked around and then focuses on the child again. "Come with me, I'll help you but you will join the hunting dogs." Fukuchi explain with a smile as he hold out his hand, atsushi didn't have any choice but to join so atsushi slowly took fukuchi hand. This is how atsushi joined the hunting dogs. Atsushi was only a kid so he couldn't do much but that didn't stop them from training him at a young age.

"you'll get used to it.." tecchou said as he pat atsushi back, tecchou was also train at a young age so he knows what it like, atsushi just sigh, he didn't want this but he has no choice but to accept it. Atsushi was connected to the government because of the surgery he got, each hunting dog member gets surgery every month to become stronger also to be connected to the government, if atsushi didn't get the surgery next month, he would die, his body would rot slowly so this was atsushi new life. Atsushi did get used to it though, it didn't completely change atsushi personality, atsushi just act like a kid, each day.

Atsushi was growing and, before he knew it, he was an adult. That also when, the agency was accused of being terrorist, the hunting dogs were sent to collectation agency members but that was hard. "So strong.. they act like family.." Atsushi whisper as he watches kunikida blow himself up and the other looks worried. "I wanted something like that.." Atsushi whisper as he looked down, atsushi also wanted a family but he didn't have one and he didn't really considered the hunting dogs as family.

"Come on atsushi, let go." Jouno said, atsushi just smile and nod ad he walks towards jouno and tecchou, atsushi hope that one day, he will have a family. "Wow..he still alive.." Atsushi said, kunikida was alive but missing two hand, kunikida was taking to a hospital, that the hunting dogs run. Atsushi was watching kunkida, which was pretty boring for atsushi. "Where am I?" Kunikida suddenly said as he looked around, atsushi just looked surprised but immediately smiled. "you're at a hospital that the hunting dogs run." Atsushi explained, kunikida just looked down, he finally noticed that, he didn't have any hands.

"Jouno should be coming here soon so I'll leave you be for now." Atsushi said, kunikida just looked surprised, atsushi was different then the other hunting dogs. Atsushi just walked out of the room with a smile, atsushi felt jealous though, they had a family and he didn't but there's no time for jealousy because he has work to do. "Don't be sad..I can't be sad.." Atsushi whisper to himself, atsushi can't be sad. Time flies fast though because soon kunikida escaped, and soon the whole city was going to chaos because of vampires. Atsushi didn't know what was happening, it was so confusing for atsushi, all atsushi wanted to do was rest but he couldn't.

Soon, it was all over, fukuchi was gone, teruko was crying, tachihara and jouno are still missing and tecchou just stand there but the agency members were alright. Atsushi just sigh, it was finally over, atsushi can finally rest. Atsushi slowly fall but was immediately catched by kunikida. "sleepy.." Atsushi said as he yawn, before kunikida knew it, atsushi was out cold, kunikida just sigh as he hold atsushi. "Atsushi didn't much sleep, in fact we haven't got much sleep at all." Teruko explained as she walked towards atsushi, the agency member just chuckled.

Atsushi didn't care what was happening, he was sleeping and that all that matters.

(😭 finally have the motivation to write this. And it still bad!! Im sorry!)

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