Chapter 45: Injured Wolf

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Since her talk with Sam, Cole had slightly lifted spirits, and Esme and Charlie could see it.

It had rolled over to the next day, and as Charlie sat at the table with his paper, Esme at the stove per usual any more, Colette came down the stairs with a barely there smile on her face. "Esme, can I ask you a question?" Cole asked as the woman nodded. "That thing that he called me, in the hospital, is that still a part of me?"

"La pace? Yes. The day Bella had first come to the house. Jasper had tried to calm you down, but instead you had gotten over whelmed. Your eyes turned silver, the La pace coming forward, a burst of energy coming from you that Carlisle was sure the wolves and possibly any supernatural creature that was near could feel." Esme told her and Charlie looked confused, his head turning between the two.

"Why wouldn't he tell me?" Cole asked, angry. "He wanted you to be ready." Esme told the girl and Cole's eyes narrowed. "Ready for what? I wasn't ever ready." Colette told the woman as she turned, headed from the kitchen and just about out the front door when a thought raced through her head. "Am I the reason they came for Bella?" Cole asked, a devastated look on her face.

Esme looked away, trying to think, but Colette took that as an answer. "Oh god." "No, it's not what you think, Cole." Esme tried to reassure her, "Alice did start seeing visions of the coven right around that time, but they were passing through. Any time there is a possibility of someone crossing paths with us she see's it. It could have been coincidence." "Or it could have been a beacon." Colette hissed. "Why didn't he tell me? I have no idea how to control this! I'm putting them all in danger. Belle, Charlie, everyone! They had no right!" Colette growled, her eyes going dark, as the small house plants around her began to wilt and die.

"Lottie." Charlie spoke softly, getting up, only for Esme to step in front of him. Even though Charlie had seen her powers before, it always seemed to surprise him when it happened.

Before his eyes the space where his sister stood, was now empty, and Charlie sighed. "Where did she go?" Charlie asked. "Just into the woods to cool off." Esme told him as she stood down.


Colette ran from the house, not realizing what was in front of her before it was too late, the black wolf not fast enough to get out of the way, as they both tumbled down.

Cole screamed in surprise as the wolf whined as a pop was heard. Finally stoping, Colette turned around finding the wolf trying to get up, but it's left front leg not able to be weight bearing. "Oh my god. Sam I'm so sorry. Can I see? Please, let me help." She said getting closer. He growled at her but she could see the pain in his eyes. "Please. I won't hurt you intentionally. I promise." She told and eventually he sat, his paw slightly lifted to keep the weight off of it.

She examined him, trying to see through the fur, but she was used to humans not animals. "I can't see anything, can you change back?" She asked and he shook his head. "Sam I can't help if I can't see your shoulder. I was in nursing school, not veterinary school." He growled slightly as nodded his head away from him, telling her to leave for a moment, as he tried to find somewhere that would cover hime enough to change back.

Even though she couldn't see him, Cole heard the distinct pops and grinds of bones shifting back into place, and a low "son of a bitch."

"Sam?" "Just a minute." She heard him say as he struggled to put on the pair of shorts he had strapped to his ankle with one hand.

When he walked out, Coke tried not to stare, she truly did, though she had seen human Sam before, the shorts he wore this time hung low on his hips, and she had to tear herself away from looking.

A small smirk was on his face that soon was replaced by a wince when he tried to move his injured arm. "Let me look." She said as she placed her hands delicately on his hot skin, her cold hands actually feeling good on the already inflamed area.

"Your shoulders popped out of socket. I can put it back in." She told him, and he looked at her warily. "I don't know-" "Sam I was trained for this. I was literally in my last bit of shadowing before I got my certification. I can put a shoulder back into place." She told him and he sighed though was still tense.

"I need you to relax." "It's hard to relax when you know pain is coming." He grumbled. "Well how about you think about something? Found out I am still the La Pace. So, you were right. There is something different yet again about me." She said aligning his arm correctly. "Wait so does that mean- fuck!" Sam yelled out when she unexpectedly pop his shoulder back into place.

"It's back." She told him, "You need to careful on it for the next few days. No shifting, no heavy lifting." She told him. "My healing will kick in." "I don't care. Two days. That's all I'm asking." She told him and he huffed. "How am I supposed to get back to the reservation?" "I'll drive." She told him and he nodded.

As the two walked back, Sam spoke. "The elders, they will want to meet you. If you are what they think you are." "What's that?" She asked. "In our history it's called a peaceful spirit or hashxatałítx taxí•lit. They are known to be beautiful warriors with silver eyes." Sam told her and she stopped.

"Like mine." She said and he shook his head. "Your's are'nt-" but he stopped as he realized she had, turning around to her see her golden eyes replaced with silver ones. "Holy shit."

A/N: It's been a hot minute, and I'm sorry for that. I had some writers block, but at least it wasn't almost a year like the last time! Let me know how you like this story and how you think it will progress. Also, how cute is Cole and Sam's friendship!

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