Memory Two

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Joseph and Drew had always been known as party kings because when our parents would go away, Joseph would always invite Drew over and they'd throw a party. They started the whole partying thing the day they entered high school. They always hated the fact that I was at the parties, but the only way they could have the party and get away with it was if they let me come.

So this one particular night we were all lying on the couch. Joseph and Drew were playing video games and me being the only girl, I watched. Joseph's cell rang and he reached onto the table grabbing and looked at the caller ID. He groaned loudly. "God she's getting on my nerves!" he said annoyed. Drew pressed pause on the game and laughed.

"Girlfriends aren't suppose to be fun ALL the time!" he said. I stretched out on the couch kicking Joseph in the arm.

"Get your disgusting feet off of me!" Joseph whined.

"Their not half as disgusting as your face!" I shot back. Drew laughed.

" Man, sometimes I wish I wasn't an only child!" he said.

" You don't how lucky you are. What I wouldn't give to get rid of her." Joseph replied.

" You say that now..."

"Whatever Drew man, but I'm bored. Wanna throw another party since the 'rents are in Seattle this weekend? I'm tired of playing video games." Joseph asked.
Back then Joseph liked to make a shorter version of everything because he thought it was cool. He'd say 'rents instead of parents, the book instead of facebook, it was really annoying to me. Drew sat up.

"Yeah man. We gotta go send out Facebook invites. Go call Randy." Randy was their go to man to be the DJ because he had a way of playing music everyone liked no matter their race or the style of music they were into. They were always complimented for the music at their parties and they owed it to Randy. Joseph stood up turning the game off and turned to me.

"You know the rules of the party. Stay out of the way, don't embarrass me, and don't talk to any of my friends. Got it?" I nodded my head before sticking my tongue out. I didn't want to be a part of their stupid party anyway because every time I'd always find Joseph kissing some random girl that was not his girlfriend.

The party started at 8 and before I knew it our house was packed. I hurried up the steps to my room and pulled out a Seventeen Magazine. It was hard to concentrate though because of the loud music that caused the house to thump. I frustratingly closed the magazine and stomped down the steps. I walked all through the house looking for Drew or Joseph and when I finally found them, they were both together on our deck totally wasted! Drew was making out with some girl and my heart ached at seeing it. She was sitting on his lap with a bottle of Bud Light taking turns sipping it and kissing him. Right next to him standing up against the wall was Joseph making out with some girl who was not his girlfriend America. I'd suddenly forgotten what I was going ot ask them because I was both disgusted and jealous of the girl with Drew.

Joseph looked up from his slut and looked at me.
"What do you want? Can't you see were busy? This is not a rated G area." he said annoyed.

His slut laughed and flipped her totally unattractive hair. I shook my head and was about to walk away when America walked right up to Joseph and smacked him in the back of his head.
"Who is she?' she demanded to know. The girl pulled her lips from Joseph's and frowned and I don't think it was at the fact that Joseph had a girlfriend. Whether I wanted to admit it or not my big bro was a stud. Joseph was totally drunk so his words started to slur as he said, "This is Brittney." he said. I could tell by the look on America's face, she was hurt. She shook her head.

"You know what? It's over." she said before storming away. Joseph was too drunk to even care so he continued kissing the slut who was apparently called Brittney. At around midnight I guess he got bored with Brittney because when I came into the dining room he was on the table surrounded by a ton of people in his boxers dancing like a maniac. The song that had been playing went off and Randy played 'American Idiot'. Joseph stood there for a minute and then out of nowhere he started singing terribly along to the beat, " Don't wanna date America cause she's an idiot...." The party roared and Joseph became a legend. Eventually after Joseph made Randy play the song three times in a row, Drew and I got him off the table and ended the party. We laughed at that for the whole night and in the morning when Joseph woke up he absolutely could not remember any of it. To this day, we haven't forgotten the words to his randomly made up lyrics.

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