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        A week and a half later, I stood in Joseph's doorway watching as he tossed all of his clothes sloppily into a suitcase. He was leaving in a couple days for Mizzou and had been ignoring me every since the day he'd found Drew and I together. Seeing him packing up to leave made me realize that we had to make up. Joseph and I had to be on good terms before he left... but I just couldn't gain the courage to speak. He zipped his first suitcase up and lifted it on to his bed. He noticed me standing there. "What do you want Sky? I'm kind of busy..." he says coldly. He fumbles with his bandaged hand. He hurt himself the night he took off. The police brought him home the following morning claiming that he'd been drunk at a bar and broke a window with his fist. They fined him 500 dollars but my dad paid it. Joseph didn't thank him, he just trotted up to his room for the rest of the night. I know because I listened through my bedroom door.

"Can we please talk Joseph. I know you're mad but you need to understand... You can't leave me without understanding." I plead. He sits on his bed and I think about sitting down too but I think better of it.

"Joseph, Drew and I really like each other and--"

"Tell me something I don't know. I could tell by the way you were all over him that you like him..."

"We'd just gotten together Joseph! It's not like we'd been dating for years and keeping it from you! It just kind of... happened. And if I could take it back to make you happy, I would. I don't want to but for you I would! Joseph..." He looks down at the floor.

"That's not the point Sky! You're my little sister! My young and innocent little sister! And--and Drew's my best friend, he's older than you by three years! Can you blame me for freaking out?" I shake my head.

"Well you don't have to worry about us anymore. Drew's going to college too. I'll probably never see him again..." He's quiet for a moment and I watch as he stands up and starts tossing clothes into the next suitcase. "Jo... So you're not gonna say anything?" I shake my head.

"Sky, I really don't want to tell you this but... Drew doesn't leave until next week." he says out of nowhere.

"Well if you don't want to tell me, why are you telling me?"

"Because, because... Drew's my best friend and when I went to talk to him--"

"What?! You talked to him?"

"Dammit Sky! Just let me finish! Yes, I went to see him yesterday and I know how much he likes you now. And even though it KILLS me to say this... You should talk to him. I hate seeing him depressed. It's almost as bad as when he found out BreAnne got an abortion."

"Aw Joseph you really are gay! Caring for Drew like that!"

"Sky SHUT UP! Remember I'M the one who knows where he's staying..."  I shut up quick.

"Wait, how do you even know about BreAnne? I thought Drew never told anyone."

"He didn't tell me until yesterday. He told me he talked to her..." I don't say anything. What could BreAnne possibly want with Drew? Joseph shakes his head. "I can't believe he got her pregnant! I thought I taught him better than that!" Joseph says going on."I swear the guy doesn't know what he's doing! I've been having sex for YEARS! And I haven't gotten one chick pregnant!"

"Joseph are you going to tell me where he's staying or not?" He sighs.

"He's at Randy's house. You can go see him but I swear to God if you end up pregnant, he's dead!"

"Joseph we're NOT doing anything."

"Yeah, yeah... Whatever! Now get the hell out of my room."

He pushes me out and slams the door shut. So Joseph really does have a heart... He hides it well but he STILL has one. I feel my phone vibrate and pull it out, answering it. "Hello?" I say.

"Sky hun? It's me. Jensen's in the hospital..." It takes me a minute to register what's being said. I drop my phone...

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