Quiet, Too Quiet....

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        I don't know how long as sat there on the floor crying before I heard the sound of Drew walking down the steps. I knew it was him because the sound of the luggage that followed behind. I wanted to open the door and throw my arms around him but I was too chicken so I just listened... As soon as I heard the front door open, I rushed to the window where a cab sat. So he was really leaving and there was nothing I could do about it... I cried more as I watched the cab driver load Drew's things into the trunk and as I watched the car drive away with him inside. No more Drew. It felt like a part of me had died. Years I'd spent crushing on him and as soon as I got him, he was taken away. I climbed onto my bed and fell asleep.

        I don't know how long I slept but when I opened my eyes, it was pitch black and quiet, too quiet. I rolled off my bed. My throat was dry and I could feel the tears that had dried on my face. I smoothed my hair down and opened the door letting the light flood into my room. My eyes hurt as they darted to the vacant room that had been Drew's hours ago. I crept down the steps to find my parents seated at the dining room table even though they weren't eating. Joseph was nowhere to be found.

"Have a seat." my dad orders and so I do. I was in trouble, I knew it.

"Dad, I know it may seem really bad but it's not what you think. What Joseph saw--" I say already starting to explain. My mom cuts me off.

"Hun, what are you talking about? What happened? You know why Joseph flipped out and left? Did he get into another fight with Drew? I've never seen him that mad." my mom wants to know. So Joseph hadn't snitched on me? Now I had no idea what to say. It was silent for a moment.

"TALK DAMMIT!" my dad yells. My mom rests her hand on his arm. "Relax." she says to him.

"Not until she starts talking. She's been distant with us all summer. It's like I don't even know my own daughter anymore!" he talks as if I'm not sitting there. And it angers me.

"Like you don't know me anymore? Dad, you never knew me in the first place! For as long as I can remember it's been nothing but business trips, anniversaries, vacations, and stuff. You've never been home enough to actually know me or Joseph! So- so don't put it all on me!" I bite my lip trying to stop the tears from coming. My dad is silent for a moment. "Sky, I will not have you disrespect me like this," he starts.

"Fine, I won't..." I say getting up from the table. I sit outside on the steps listening to the sound of crickets chirping and looking at the flickering green glow from the fireflies before I hear my mom come outside. She doesn't say anything, she just sits down next to me. It's a long time before I look at her. "Wanna tell me what's been going on?" she asks when i finally look at her. I know I have to tell her. I decide to leave some parts out though for her sake...

"They got into a fight mom and he kicked Drew out..." I tell her.

"What was the fight about? A girl? I've never seen Joseph that upset..."

"It was over a girl... it was over me."

"Why would they get into a fight over you?"

"Because... because... Drew and I are... together." I blurt out. My mom doesn't say anything. The silence kills me. I start to weep.

"Then--then Joseph made him leave and-and i didn't want him to go mom! I didn't want him to go because I love him!" I say before crying into her shoulder.

"Sky, you don't know what love is. You're only 15." she reasons.

"I do love him mom. I've loved him for as long as I can remember..." She's quiet again.

"Are you mad?" I ask.

"No, I guess it's kind of our fault... I mean Drew's been around for years sleeping over and hanging around you. It was bound to happen. We've been leaving you home with him and Joseph forever..." I sigh in relief. She understood.

"Are you gonna tell dad?" I wonder aloud. She shakes her head. "Not now but you're eventually going to have to tell him on your own..."

"I know."

I rest my head on her shoulder looking up at the stars knowing everything would be okay. The only thing was how would I talk to Drew?

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