Yay You're Here

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I was sitting on my bed flicking through the channels when Joseph yelled into my room, "Amber's here!" I turned the TV off and rushed down the steps to where my best friend stood. "You're supposed to be in Florida!" I say even though I'm excited she isn't. Amber had been my best friend since the 4th grade, but we never hung out in the summer because she always went to Florida which is why I was always stuck being lonely. My only choice was either hanging out with Joseph and Drew or hanging with not so good friends. Amber was my closest friend.

     "You don't wanna know chica. My parents got into a fight so we're not going this summer." she informs me.

"So you're going to be here to hang with me all summer?" I ask.

"Sadly yes. I guess we can be losers together."

I push her. "It's like 8pm. Why are you here so late?" I ask.

"I was bored. I should've been in Florida already looking for a new boyfriend yet there I was staring at the crack in the wall in my room." she tells me.

"You're such a drama queen. it's not THAT boring here."

"Yeah whatever. Go get me something to drink do you know how long of walk it was to get here!"

 I go into the kitchen to get her a glass of water and find Drew sitting on the counter looking at his phone again. "Girlfriend problems?" I ask. He shakes his head. "You would like to know wouldn't you?" he answers. I roll my eyes.

"I was asking as a friend, I don't even like you anymore." I lie. He stuffs his phone in his pocket and hops off the counter. "No actually it's just drama from back in Arizona. Nothing you need to know about."

"You know if you need someone to talk to you, you can always talk to me. Joseph may be your best friend, but heaven knows he won't understand. A clown can be more serious than him." I joke.

"Well sometimes you need a little silliness in your life." he says before walking away. I ponder on what he meant by that before going up the steps and finding Amber laying on my bed. I hand her the cup of water.

"Thanks." she says taking a sip. She pulls out her phone. "I'm bored Sky." she tells me. "Let's invite some guys over."

"Um I don't know." I say.

"Don't tell me you still like 'you know who'... it's been two years I thought you would've gotten over him by now."

"I did."

"You're lying." To make her believe I was over Drew, I agree on inviting these two guys she knows over.

    "We've gotta hang on the back though because Joseph will go ballistic if he see's me with boys."

     The boys arrive half an hour later, they're names are Josh and David. Amber immediately calle dibbs on David so I was stuck with Josh. He wasn't ugly or anything, that wasn't it, it was just that I couldn't stop thinking about Drew. We all sat on the steps of our deck and even though it was summer it was a bit chilly to me considering I only had on a tank, shorts, and flip flops. "Are you cold?" Josh wanted to know.

"Kinda." I reply. He takes off his Abercrombie & Fitch hoodie and gives it to me. I hesitate before putting it on. It is soft, comfy and doesn't smell like Axe at all which is a good thing since Joseph sprays so much of it I can't bear to ever enjoy the smell. Instead, Josh's hoodie smells like a baby's clothes mixed with Downey. it immediately makes me warm up to him. "Better?" he asks concerned. I nod. " I know this is random but,what do you use on your clothes?" I ask. "Oh I have a baby brother, he's 10 months and my mom washes his clothes in Dreft, you know the baby's clothes detergent. I like the scent so I wash my clothes with it too." he tells me.

"Well, it smells good." I say.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" David asks. We're all quiet for a moment and then Amber finally says, "Let's play spin the bottle." she says grabbing an empty Grey Goose bottle off the top stair that I am positive is Joseph's. Seriously that guy is going to be an alchoholic one day. "But there's only four of us."  I say. "How about we play Truth or Dare?" Everyone agrees and we start the game.

" Truth or Dare?" David asks me. I've always been into dares so I say, "Dare." David thinks for a long time and then he finally says, "I dare you to run down the street with your shirt off." I'm quiet for a minute. So he wants to play it like this? The dirty way? Whatever happened to good old fashioned non-dirty dares? "I get to keep my bra on right?" I want to know. He nods.

"Ok." i agree.

    The next thing I know I'm running down the street in my bra and the three of them are laughing like loons at me. On my way back up though, I noticed someone looking out the window and it's not Joseph....

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