Something's up

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"Aw c'mon Sky, don't bring that up!" Drew said climbing off the porch. "What? You don't wanna talk about it? Well too bad! We're gonna have to talk about it sooner or later." I tell him. There is a pained expression on his face, but I don't care, I've got to get this out. He looks at me for a moment and then he says, "I was a jerk that night ok. A lot of things were happening at the time and I freaked out. I'm sorry." I have no idea what to say and I'm glad that I don't because at that very moment Joseph pulls into the driveway.

     When he gets to the walk way and sees us he asks, "Who died?"

"No one loser. Why would you think that?" I say trying to sound normal.

"You guys look like you saw a ghost." Yeah the ghost of Drew's past. Drew and I glance at each other and then go inside with Joseph. That's when I notice it. Joseph's hair is even more messy than usually, his shirts a bit wrinkled, and his face is kind of shiny. He's trying a little too hard to be casual. He picks up the house phone. "Mom and dad called twice, why didn't you answer?" he wants to know.

"We were outside. I'll call them back. The question is, where have YOU been?"

"What do you mean? I told you I'd be at the gym."

"Then where are your gym clothes and why aren't you sweaty. Who are you kidding Jo, we know you don't exercise. You can barely carry the groceries in the house!"

"Shut up Sky." And now he's serious. Drew just sits on the couch lost in his thoughts. "Either you tell me or I find out on my own." I warn him. He ignores me and leaves the room. Drew shakes his head. "Will you two ever get along?"

"Nope. He'll always be an idiot." I say.

     I grab the cordless phone and dial my parents. "Hello?" my mom answers. I take a seat on the couch next to Drew.

"Hey mom." I say plainly.

"How are things there? We've been gone for almost three weeks now and I haven't talked to you."

"They're fine mom. How are things with you and dad?"

"We've been doing alot of work but we're having a great time. Is Drew around? Tell him we said hi." I tell Drew.

"So are you guys having a fun summer?"

"Yeah." I lie. "Actually mom I have to go. Tell dad I said hi."  I hang up the phone. I can't take the conversation.

     "Do you know what's going on with Joseph?" I ask Drew.

"Nope. He's been acting weird these last couple of days."

"Well since he won't tell us, we're gonna have to do it like old times--"

"Snoop." Drew finishes and just like that we've momentarily forgotten about the bad times. 

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