Calm Down Drew

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    Drew and I are still holding each other when Joseph opens the door to our house and comes in. Luckily he's alone because I don't know what i might've done if Amber came with him. Drew and I hurry and move away from each other. Joseph looks sad, but I don't care. "I'm sorry Sky. I didn't even intend on it happening. You know I've never been interested in Amber." he says.

"Oh really?" I say. "Then how did it happen?"

"I don't know. It started with me taking her home that night you guys got drunk. i was dropping her off and then she just leaned over and kissed me. I was a little surprised and it just went on from there." I rolled my eyes.

"How'd she get your favorite hoodie. You never let anyone wear it, not even your girlfriend which by the way is JESSICA! What do you think she'll say when she finds out?"

"I broke up with her the day Drew came."

"What?" This time it was Drew who spoke.

"I wasn't feeling her anymore." Joseph shrugs.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I knew you wanted me to stay with her."

I roll my eyes again. "Don't worry Drew, Joseph only cares about himself." I tell him.

"Sky get over it and quit acting like a little kid! Amber only had my hoodie because she was cold the night I took her home and i let her use it.We met up at the park so she could give it back to me. We're NOT even dating! It was just a couple of kisses."

"Are you sure Amber knows that because I know my best friend and it looks like she really likes you."

"Well if she thinks that then too bad."

He tosses his hoodie on the couch and takes a seat. "You know Joseph, you really are a jerk." I say disgusted.

"Quit being a b**** Sky! No one cares! Ok? You're being really stupid!"

"Joseph stop cussing at her." Drew steps in.

"No she's seriously been annoying me lately. Maybe she's just jealous of Amber because she has someone and she doesn't have a boyfriend."

"Joseph shut up now!" Drew warns.

"You know what? I'm getting sick of you taking up for her all the time. You're suppost to be my friend not hers."

"I am your friend and that's why I'm telling you to stop. I've watched you mess with her for years and I'm sick of it."

Joseph stands up and stares right at Drew. "Oh really? So what are you gonna do about it?" Drew doesn't say anything. Joseph laughs. "I knew you were soft." he says... and thats when Drew hits him in the face. I stand there appalled at them fighting. They'd only been in a fight with each other once out of 9 years of friendship and I can still remember when it happened three years ago...

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