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Thinking fast unlike the last time, I quickly pull the guys apart and I am almost hit in the face by Drew's fist. He quickly puts his arm down.

"Sky, move!" he says. I shake my head. My hand is on his chest and I can feel his heart beating fast. Joseph just laughs.

"Listen to Sky. She's saving you from getting your a** kicked." Joseph is breathing hard and I know he's pissed. You could tell these two were best friends. Both of them can never back down from a challenge. They eventually sit down on the couch but as far away from each other as possible. It's like watching two girls fight. There's an awkward silence.

"You two have to stop this." I say. "You guys are BEST friends and this is your last summer to just hang before college. Why are you guys acting like this?"

Drew shakes his head. "I'm getting fed up with Jo. He only cares about himself!"

"Well thats funny because it seems like you're always on Sky's side and you're suppost to be MY friend!" Joseph says.

"I always take your side! I just started taking up for her!"

"Well you shouldn't be taking up for her!"

"I'm sorry man. I love you but I care about Sky too." Drew says. There's another silence. I burst out laughing and then Jo and Drew do too.

"Man that sounded so GAY! Don't ever say that to me again bro." Joseph manages to say. Drew laughs.

"Whatever man just stop acting like a little b****!" I roll my eyes. I'll never understand guys.

Later that night, I sat on the couch watching reruns of Family Guy, Joseph comes in and sits next to me. I'm a little suprised at this so I just sit there and wait for the insults to come. They never do. He just sits there quietly and watches TV with me. When the show is over, he finally speaks. "Sky, I think it's time that we end our feud. Its been going on for WAY too long. Like you said, I'm going to be going off to college and pretty soon, I'm not going to see you anymore. i don't want to end things on a bad note."

"Ok feud's over." I agree.

"And by the way, I don't even really like Amber, she's just a good kisser." I pick up a couch pillow and hit him in the face. "You a**hole!" I say. "You better not break her heart either."

"Well, I'm not going to date her Sky! She's way too young. I just turned 18, I don't want to go to jail for being a pedophile!"

I don't say anything because I'm thinking of if Drew and I were together. He'd be the pedophile and what would Joseph say? Joseph stops laughing and looks at me. "What's wrong?" he says. "Are you mad again? Did little Sky get her period?" And just like that, he's back to his old goofy self, but that's who he'll always be. My annoying older brother whether we ended the feud or not. Maybe I just needed to learn how to stop taking everything so serious.

i shake my head. "I'm fine Jo." I say and he leans over and puts his arm around me. I can't even remember the last time Joseph hugged me. It's been years and I never realized how much I missed my brother's hugs until now. The last time Joseph hugged me, it wasn't a good time. It had to be one of the saddest days of his life...

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