All Grown Up

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        Two days later, Jensen was released from the hospital and sent home. She has to see a therapist twice a week now but overall, everything was okay. And as for me and Drew, we were just trying to make it through. I was in my room listening to my iPod when Drew knocked on my door. I didn't ask who it was, I just opened it. He smiled at me.

"Hey Sky blue," he said leaning down and kissing me but I didn't react. I smiled back before turning around and dancing around my room just as I had been when he knocked.

    He sat down on my bed just watching me and laughed. "Sky, could you stop dancing and come talk to me?" he asked. I ignored him and kept dancing to the music coming from my iPod. I knew what he wanted to talk about. College. And I didn't want to waste the precious time we had left talking about it so instead I just pretended I couldn't hear him. He stood up and came over standing behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I hadn't been expecting him to do that. I go weak. "Are you gonna talk to me?' he whispered into my ear. I nodded speechless. He kissed my neck and pulled me to the bed. "So what do you want to talk about?" I ask annoyed.

"Sky, we're going to have to talk whether you like it or not... I'm leaving for New York in exactly 5 days. We have to figure out what we're gonna do."

"You already figured it out when you applied to go to New York. Once you leave you're a free man. I promise. I don't do long distance relationships."

"You REALLY mean that Sky?"

"Yeah I do. Swear."

"But it can't happen. I don't think I could stand knowing you have a new boyfriend."

"Who said I was getting one?"

"You're gorgeous. Of course you'll find someone else." I blush.

"How do you want this to be Drew?" I wanted to know.

"I don't know but I know that I want you..." He leans over to kiss me again and this time I participate.

"I'm gonna miss you." I say to him.

"I know," he replied. I hit him in the head with my pillow.

"Okay, okay. I'm gonna miss you too." he admits. He falls back onto my bed with his feet planted on the floor. He sighs, closing his eyes. "I love you." he says. I'm not sure if I should say it back or not so instead I just rest my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat... 5 more days.

    Later on that night, my mom cooked dinner. Spaghetti and catfish and everyone eats on the deck something we haven't done in years. It's Joseph's last night here. Tomorrow he leaves for Mizzou. I'd been so wrapped up in Drew I'd forgotten all about Joseph leaving. I take small bites and try to process living without Joseph. I can't. Joseph may be the most annoying brother in the world but he's my annoying brother and I can't imagine life without him. Drew kicks me under the table and mouths, "Cheer up," I don't. My mom must've felt the bump under the table because she shakes her head disapprovingly. Joseph looks just as down as me. He barely touches his plate and Joseph ALWAYS eats his food. Everyone and I mean everyone looks depressed and it's not like we didn't know this day would come. We just didn't know it'd happen so soon. One day Joseph and I are little and getting wet with the water hose and the next he's having his last night living here.

     After dinner, I offer to help my mom wash the dishes but she shakes her head. I find Drew and Joseph are on the porch just staring out into the streets. "Man, I can't believe we're going to college. I'm just gonna miss it here. I'm gonna miss hanging with you man." Joseph confesses. I've never heard him talk like this. It makes me want to cry.

"Yeah it's been you, Sky, and me for years and now it's like we're separating... I'll be on the East coast, you'll be in the Midwest and Sky's gonna be here on the West Coast..." Drew says. Yep, the guys have grown up and they're leaving me behind. It hurts. I open the screen door and step out onto the porch.

"Hey guys," I say.

Joseph bursts into laughter. "What?" I ask self-consciously.

"Remember that time when we were little and me and Drew buried you in the sand and left. You cried for days!" Drew starts laughing too and the laughter must be contagious because I start laughing. And we just stand there laughing. All of us together. I hug Joseph feeling the tears well up. "I'll miss you bro. I love you regardless of how much we fight." I assure him. He hugs me back which is so unlike Joseph it scares me. It was official. Joseph had grown up and he was finally ready to go out into the real world. The thought only made me cry more. Drew just stood there awkwardly and I let him because right here and right now was me and Joseph's moment. Just ours. Brother and sister.

"Okay Sky, quit making me sad. I don't leave until tomorrow." Joseph finally says.

"I know." I say crying some more. And even though Joseph had tormented me and picked on me for most of my life, I wouldn't change a thing if I could. Because those were our memories and whether they were good ones or bad ones, I wanted to remember them forever...

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