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 The doctor said that Jensen needed rest so I didn't wake her up and make her answer all the questions swarming through my head. I simply walked away knowing what I had to do. I get my mom to pick me up since Joseph is in deep conversation with the girl from the waiting room. He looked happy so I did't say anything to him. I just called my mom and asked if she'd drop me off at Randy's. Suprisingly, she didn't say anything. Not until we get into the car anyway.

"What's going on Sky?" she asked taking her eyes off the road to look at me.

"I have to talk to him mom, I just have to... I can't let him just leave." I tell her. She turns up the radio and we listen to Alanis Morrisette in silence. It starts to sprinkle outside.

"You really love him don't you?" she says out of nowhere. All I can do is nod and watch as the rain falls.

           I haven't been to Randy's house in a year or so and maybe it was due to the fact that things were just weird between me and Randy. It didn't stop me from knocking on the door though. The rain is falling hard and my hair gets wet as I wait. Randy opened the door. He's shirtless and eating a Hot Pocket. "Hey Sky, long time no see..." he says it in a secretive tone. As if to point out what happened in the past.

"Is Drew here?" I asked ignoring what he'd said.

"Yeah, he's in the basement moping over some chick. I don't know." So Drew didn't tell Randy about us? I push past Randy and go down the familiar steps to the basement. Drew's lying on the couch staring at the ceiling. His right leg swings aimlessly back and forth. "Drew?" I say. He sits up.

"Sky? How'd you get here?" he wants to know.

"My mom brought me." I tell him. He clears his throat.

"I missed you." he says shyly.

"I miss you too."

          I walk over and hug him but he pulls away. "We should end this. Joseph's right." I frown.

"So you're just gonna let him win?"

"Sky, what do you expect? I'll be moving to New York in a week. We won't last!"

"We could try..."

"But we're not... Now could you go now. You're making it harder than it has to be."

            I just stand there with tears filling my eyes. I could argue back but I don't. Maybe it isn't meant to be. Maybe it's for the best. It doesn't stop me from crying though. All the years I spent loving Drew and then when I finally got him he goes away. It's enough to make any girl cry. I don't want him to see me cry though so I run up the steps and out the door ignoring Randy who's totally confused. It's still raining but I don't care. The rain mixes with my tears and I get soaked. My hair is wet, my clothes, my shoes, my skin and none of it matters. It would've mattered any other day but it doesn't now. It's too wet to pull my phone out and call my mom so I just stand in the middle of the street and cry. It feels good to cry yet it's painful because I know why I'm crying.

        I turn around when I hear the sound of footsteps splashing through water. Its him. He's soaked. He stands there for a minute just looking at me. I can tell he's confused. I'm confused too. He hugs me, holding me tight. His body is warm and I realize I'm freezing from the rain. I lift my head up and he kisses me. One kiss. One long kiss that makes me forget everything. We just stand there like that in the rain kissing. I think Randy calls Drew's name but Drew doesn't flinch and neither do I. Everything's perfect.

But then I remember that he's leaving in a week...

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