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   My cheeks burned as I realzed that Drew had seen me. I walked back up the street with my arms covering as much of me as I could. I didn't want to know what he was thinking about me now. Probably that I was some stupid little girl. When I reached David, Josh, and Amber, they were still laughing at the dare I'd just done. "That was epic!" he said looking at my chest. He tossed me my tank top and his hoodie.
    Amber smiled at them and pulled me to the side. "He likes you." she said. At that moment though I could care less about who was in to me. All I could think about was Drew and I realized that I didn't want to anymore. "How about we make this party a little more fun?" I asked before I could stop myself.
"What do you have in mind?" Amber wanted to know.
"Drinking." I say to her. It takes her a minute to realize I'm serious.
"Look who's turning bad now." she says.
      An hour later, we're all on the porch drunk. After grabbing all the alcohol we could from my parents "secret stash" or should I say "stash" (Joseph, Drew, and I have known about it for years.) we all just sat down and started drinking and talking. The conversation was kind of dead now. Just a bunch of mumbling and saying random things. If actual things were being said I don't think I'd be able to focus on it anyway. "I have to pee." Amber says before having a laughing fit. I try to stand up but fail epicly so Josh has to help me. "C'mon let's go. Be back later guys." i say half waving. David and Josh are to wasted to even care whether we're there are not.
     Inside the house, it's quiet. Too quiet since i happen to live with the wild animal that is Joseph. Amber's giggles bounce off the walls and sound louder than it should. "Shhhh!" I say guiding her to the upstairs bathroom since I'm almost positive the guys are watching TV in the living room. After stumbling up the stairs a trillion times we finally reach the bathroom.
       "Hurry up whore." I say to Amber before sliding down onto the floor. My head is spinning and I feel sick. I put my head into my knees and try to calm myself. "Hurry up Am!" I hear myself yell. Down the hall I hear a door open but I'm too drunk to even look up.
"Sky get up!" Whether I'm drunk or sober, I know that voice
"Leave me alone!" I find myself telling him but I think it came out kind of slurred. I can hear him sigh. "Sky, are you drunk?" I ignore him though and shut my eyes as tightly as I can. The bathroom door opens and I hear Amber come out. "Oh, not you too." Drew says a bit annoyed.
"Would you just shut the hell up! I'm sick of you and Joseph always nagging me. You guys have been drunk before too, but you always have to look down on me!" I find myself yelling. He doesn't say anything.
"C'mon Amber let's go see if Joseph will give you a ride home." he finally says.
      My stomach lurches and i find myself throwing up into the toliet. No one's there to hold my hair back for me so I have to myself and hope that nothing gets in it. After, I puke out everything in my stomach I lay my head on the cold porcelain bath tub. I don't know how long I'm there half sleeping when Drew comes in and picks me up. He carries me into my bedroom and lays me on my bed. After he tucks me in and pushes my hair out of my face he is about to walk away.
       "Please don't go." I find myself saying in a raspy voice. And he doesn't. He lays down next to me only above the covers and rubs my hair until I fall asleep. The last thing I remember is him kissing my forehead.

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