Memory Five

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        The first time I realized I was in love with Drew was when I was eleven when everyone from the middle school and high school were invited to a Christmas party. It was two days before Christmas and I was so excited to be going to a party where high schoolers would be too.

       The night of the party I let my mom put my hair into tight little curls and pin the front back into a cute style. I wore the dressiest shirt I could find, a pair of jeans, and my new boots. I thought I looked great.

       Drew's mom was dropping us off at the party so when him and his mom came, Joseph and I left with them. In the car Mrs. Mitchell was blasting Christmas music. I was in the front with her so Drew and Joseph could do whatever the heck they did. I strained to hear what they were saying over the music because one thing I hated was being left out. "....I think we should ditch the party." Joseph was saying. "Yeah it's gonna be lame anyway. I mean they're letting 6th graders come! How lame can they get?" Drew said. I frowned. They always thought they were too cool for everything and on the other hand I had been excited to finally be able to be at a party with them. I looked over at Mrs. Mitchell wondering if I should tell her about their plans. I knew I couldn't, one thing I never could be was a snitch. Mrs. Mitchell was too busy yapping away on her cellphone to pay attention to anyone. She was probably talking to another man since her Mr. Mitchell were taking "a break" from each other.

    I turn around in my seat and look at them. "What are you looking at loser?" Joseph asks.

"The gayest guy in America." I reply. Even Drew has to laugh at that. "Damn Sky, how'd you learn to do that? When I was eleven, I never had good come backs like that." Drew says to me.

"When you have a brother like Joseph, you've gotta learn." I tell him.  We pull up to the party and after Mrs. Mitchell lets us out, we walk up to the steps of Sophia's house (the girl having the party.) Its a line in the front of her house of people waiting to get in and we have no idea why until we see the mistletoe hanging from the front door. "What's going on?" Joseph asks some random guy.

"You have to kiss someone before going in." the guy informs us. My cheeks burn red. I hadn't kissed a guy yet.

"Well," Joseph said. "Time for me to find a hot girl to kiss!" I knew Joseph was happy for the chance to kiss a random girl. I just hoped he didn't end up with Herpes. Drew and I waited in line and held Joseph's spot in line while he looked for a girl. It was freezing outside (so cold, i could see my breath) but I didn't let it show because cool people never looked cold even if they were.

     When it was finally our turn to go up, I was freaking out. How was I gonna get in that party if I had no one to kiss. Joseph appeared out of nowhere with a girl I knew as Renee only because her younger sister went to school with me. She was pretty but the question was, what was wrong with her? How could she wanna kiss Joseph.

     It came to our turn and Drew said, "Jo, Sky doesn't have anyone to kiss. Since you're her brother, go up with her next and kiss her on the cheek. I'll kiss Renee." Joseph looked at him as if he were speaking chinese.

"No way." he said and I knew it was final. Drew shook his head at Joseph.

"It's ok Sky, I'll go in with you." And so when it came to us, Sophia who was standing in the door watched as Drew kissed my cheek and almost instantly it started to snow. My skin felt tingly and warm and from then on I've been in love with him. It was the perfect holiday gift even though I never asked for it. Some things just happen. Drew stayed mad at Joseph for the rest of the night and for me, the night was pretty much dull after that. It was my first party though and like all first things, you never forget it.

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