It's August Already?

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After the most awkward dinner of my life (that joseph seemed oblivous to,) we all finished eating and Drew sighed. "Jo, I'm going to go see my mom. I'll probably be back later on tonight." he says standing up and grabbing Jo's keys off the counter. I quickly stand up with him.

"You want me to come?" i ask sure that he'll say no.

"Take her with you Drew. Who knows what'll happen if you're alone with that woman!" Joseph insists. Drew glances at me.

"Whatever, just hurry up." I follow him out of the house and we don't say anything the entire way there. It's almost too much to bear. I was getting a little sick of Drew and his moods. I honestly had no idea what I did wrong this time. We reached his mother's house and he stops the car. He sits there a minute then he takes a deep breath and says, "C'mon." I get out of the car and follow him to the door.

He knocks on the door and shifts his weight while he waits for Mrs. Mitchell top open the door. She slowly opens it and then smiles at us. "Drew honey!" she says pulling him inside and hugging him. I follow them in and stand there feeling out of place. Mrs. Mitchell pulls away from Drew once she realizes he isn't feeling it. She sighs sadly. "Hello Sky, it's been a long time!" she says finally noticing me. I smile.

"Hi Mrs. Mitchell..." I say not sure what else to say. She laughs but its not a happy one.

"I'm not Mrs. Mitchell anymore remember? I'm Ms. Peterson."

"Oh." I say so used to calling her by that.

"Have a seat you guys." she says and we do. Drew's face is hard. She leaves the room and returns with a stack of sealed envelopes. "Here they are." she says trying to remain calm. i know she's sad that her son doesn't want to talk to her. I sort of feel bad for her in a weird way.

Drew takes them from her and opens one. "I got accepted into UCLA!" he says to me. He'd been ignoring me the entire time but I guess he'd rather talk to me than his mom. I smile. "That's great!"

he stands. "I'll read the other ones when we get back. C'mon." We're headed toward the door and then Ms. Peterson stops us.

"Is it going to be like this forever? It's August and in a month you'll be off to college. can't we just make up already? I'm sorry. I had to do it though. You wouldn't have wanted the baby!" she says in a rush. He stops in his tracks completely infuriated. I just stand there. Was it August already? I thought to myself. Drew turned and glares at her. His eyes full of hatred.

"How the hell are you gonna tell ME what I wouldn't want? if that baby would've been born, I would've loved it with all my heart!" he yells.

I suddenly feel like I shouldn't be here. His mom bursts into tears and falls down. "You don't understand Drew, I didn't want you to find out and hate your dad."

"What does my dad have to do with what YOU did?"

She sighs. Her eyes are red and for some reason I feel her pain. "I guess I'm gonna have to tell you now. This was the reason why your father and I divorced..."

"I'm listening." Drew says. I am too although I don't think I should be.

"You didn't get BreAnne pregnant..." she states.

"What do you mean? I did get her pregnant... I lost my virginity to her."

"You may have but you didn't get her pregnant... Someone else did." I catch on like THAT! I pray that my prediction is incorrect though.

"It was your father..." she finishes and like that Drew's world crashes down. I had been right.

He doesn't wait to find out how it happened, he just rushes out the house and I have to run to keep up. When I reach the car it's already started and Drew sits behind the wheel with tears rolling down his cheeks. I have absolutely no idea what to say. He doesn't drive off so we just sit there in silence the purr of the engine being the only noise.

"I'm sorry Sky. I'm sorry that you always have to be around to see the worst things in my life." he says.

I just nod and grab his hands. He doesn't pull away. "You're the best." he whispers. "The only girl I know who'd be able to deal with this sh**..." And then thats when he does it. What I've dreamed about him doing for forever. He presses his lips against mine and we just sit there and kiss. No tongue like most guys try to do. We just hold our lips together and I pray for the moment to never end even though I know it won't last forever. He doesn't stop though so I just sit there and enjoy his kisses while they last...

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