Chapter I <New House>

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Aisha was in awe of the magnificent mansion before her. "Wow, this mansion looks beautiful and it gives off such luxurious vibes," she exclaimed to Yusuf.

"It is. Come, let's go inside," Yusuf replied, offering his hand to Aisha, who gladly accepted.

Upon entering, Aisha was greeted by her paternal grandmother and cousins standing at the door, ready to welcome her. "Though you have talked to them before, it's a different feeling seeing them in person," Aisha thought.

"How are you, Mom?" Yusuf greeted his mother, Anazir.

"My wish fulfilled. Now I can peacefully di -" Anazir began, but Yusuf interrupted, "Mom, please don't say those things."

"Okay, okay, let me meet the others, too," Anazir said, hugging Aisha and her mother before asking about her grandson, Omar, who was yet to arrive.

Where is my Omar?" Anazir inquired.

"Mom, actually, he had some works to finish, so he will be here soon, Insha'Allah," Fatima explained.

"Are you guys going to talk here at the door? At least, come inside," Anazir playfully urged them.

The elders started moving towards the living room, engrossed in their conversations, while Aisha quickly hugged her bestie, Aliya.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were coming too?" Aliya inquired with a pout as Aisha chuckled and lightly tapped her head.

"Dumbo, if I tell you, then how will it remain a surprise?" Aisha teased.

"Yeah, that's not good. I will become your sister-in-law soon, and here you are saying these... Ahhh, someone, please save me from such a sister," Aliya joked.

"Just wait, there's still a lot of time for that. Let's go inside; I didn't get to meet aunt," Aisha said, changing the subject.

"Hmm, come. She's waiting for you too," Aliya replied, leading Aisha to meet Sara, Aliya's mother, in the living room.

As they settled in, Aisha engaged in conversation with Aliya and Zain, while the elders continued their discussions.

"Zain bhai jaan have you ever thought how your future will be?" Aisha asked looking at zain who passed her a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that don't you wanna watch your future?" Aisha asked with a playful smirk. "Ofcourse who don't want to?" Zain said rolling his eyes. "Meaning you want to see.. I can help you if you want"

"You know about my future?" Zain asked with curiosity. "Yes wanna see?" Zain immediately nodded.

"Okay so close your eyes" Following her zain closed his eyes. "What are you seeing now?" Aisha asked but zain made a bored face. "Man I'm only seeing darkness"

Aisha burst into laughter seeing that zain still didn't understood what she meant. "Than that's your future" At this zain opened his eyes and looked at her seriously.

"OK OK I understood no- A-Aisha that fell" Zain said while pointing down resulting Aisha to look down but looked at him confused when she didn't saw anything. "What?"

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