Chapter IV <gay?>

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Aisha descended the stairs, greeting everyone with "Assalam o Alikum."

They responded with "Walaikum Salam." She hugged her grandmother and then joined the family for dinner. They all asked about her well-being, and she playfully complained about the medicine they had given her.

Sara teased Aisha, saying she threatened to get hungry if she didn't eat, and that's why Aaraiz came and that's how they had Their dinner.


"Hmm you get your result?" Aisha gulped and looked at him trying to make a confused face.

"W-which r-result?". Aaraiz raised a brow and started walking towards her

"Do I need to remined?".. Aisha started to move back in nervousness.

"ohh y-you ar-are t-taking about t-that bhai jaan... Yes I did well.."

He still didn't stop and finally pinned her between him and wall.

Getting nervous in his continues stare she spoke"M-my ma-marks were 4-49 ou-out of 50"

She badly stammered due to closiness between their faces.

Suddenly he moved back like he just remembered something

" I told you to get full marks" He reminded while picking up his phone, sitting on bed,she was still standing in front of wall.

"Uhahh.. Actually I forgot to write the unit of answer and that's why sir deducted my one mark.."

"hm. But don't do these minor mistakes again okay now go.."

She was shocked that how he left her but quickly left as she don't wanted to face him more after whatever happened.


Khan family was having the dinner.

Their sitting arrangement.

.........Aaraiz................... Aisha
.........Fatima ................._______.
........._______.................. _______

"Beta have you completed the work of london company?"

"Yes abu bs..... Aa nothing we will talk later." Omar's voice trailed off as he realized everyone was present, and he stopped talking.

Clearing her throat Anazir gained everyone's attention towards her "I have a good news for you all. "after a pause she continued "Hammad called me today and invited us on his daughters wedding".

All the elders looked happy but here these dramatic Bish Warriors were making an 'eww' face

"Can't we skip this wedding?" The most brave and active member AISHA spoke..

Fatima her mother scolded "Why? You yourself was dying to go on a wedding and now when you have the opportunity you are declining." She glared at AISHA but her companions also spoke taking her side

"No no we also don't want to go" Zain spoke making a disgusted face making Aisha, Amara and Aliya to laugh.

Anazir with a smile spoke as soon as they stopped " Look there is no problem if you all don't go but at least care that they bothered to invited us and now at any cost we will go now."

Aisha made a pout and Aliya taking her side said "Okay dadi but what if you guys go and let us be here."

Her mother Sara smile and replied "That's why we are saying no"

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