Chapter XXI I <Another Secret>

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A family was present in the hospital. The Imam started the marriage by first telling the importance of marriage, the companion of a husband and wife. The six years old girl was getting married to fifteen years old boy.

After showing Mehr, the Imam asked their Will.

The witnesses were given, and finally Imam announced them as husband and wife. "Finally! My wish fulfilled. I know my son will always protect her." The old man, who was laying on the bed, spoke, while slowly caressing the boy's hairs.

The boy held the old man's hand, he kissed his knuckles. The other in the room smiled at the little gestures, of love towards his grandfather.

Their moment got interrupted, by the entrance of doctor. "So, we have examined and the reports are here, I want to have a private talk with the guardian of patient."

The doctor spoke while looking towards the family, a man in his late-thirties came forward as the guardian, while others left from the room.

Once they were out, the doctor spoke."I know this might be difficult to hear but your father can't live more than a month or maybe less." The doctor whispered, so that the old man can't hear but little did they knew that he's listening their conversation.

"I understood, so can we take him back to our house?" The man asked and the doctor nodded.

"Yes, you can, and make sure to keep less peoples with him, during the travel and during his rest in home too, so that he can avoid suffocation."

The doctor left while the man came to his father, he kissed his forehead and held the old man's hand. "I know this is for the sake of Allah's pleasure, It's Allah Almighty's order and I'll do whatever I had to."

A knock on door was heard and the whole family entered.

"What did the doctor said?"

The other man asked. "He's fine and we can take him back home."

Soon they all came out and were sitting in the car when a another problem came up. "No I want to sit with Dada abu(grandfather)."

The girl whined, "no my daughter, we will talk with grandfather at home." Her father tried to make her understand but no, she being a stubborn didn't step back.

"let her come." With a chuckle, her grandfather said and unable to resist the old man, they all agreed.

Soon after biding byes they all sat in their cars, the car started and their journey back to house started but little did they knew that it's their last meet?

The girl quickly sat on her grandfather's lap. "my princess! What you wanna talk about?" He asked with a chuckled, knowing her very well.

"Dada abu! You know what I heard Taya Abu talking with doctor in your room."

The old man's eyes widened. "N-No princess, we shouldn't listen others talk."

The girl made her cute pout, while nodding as no. "I heard them accidentally."

Before they could further talk a car was seen, coming towards the girl's side. Her grandfather hugged her while wrapping her completely in his arms, protecting her from what's coming.

In the very next moment the cars collided with eachother, the girl was now laying behind a tree while her forehead was all covered with blood, the last thing she saw was a destroyed car, her grandfather beside her--his whole body covered with blood, the driver was also fainted.


The doctor came out from O.T.

"doctor how's she?"

"can we see her?"

"Doctor can we meet her?"

The whole family bomobared alot of questions, the doctor took a deep sigh. "look.. Listen to whatever I'm gonna say with cool mind." They all were afraid, afraid of loosing another one, another member of family.

"I tried my best. Now we have to pray, maybe she can go in comma, or if she woke up she can may loose her memory, we took out the glass but some cells of her brain are damaged, maybe she forget the recent incidents of her life. Thank you."

The doctor left leaving the family, crying, thanking, praying.


The girl slowly opened her eyes and she saw her family--Her father, mother and brother

"You're awake?" Her father asked while coming towards her, he kissed her forehead.

"Finally! My daughter." Her mother too came near her.

Her Taya Abu and tayii ami along with her grandma, and her elder cousin entered.

"My daughter, you woke up? Allhamduallh." her tayii ami spoke coming towards her with a lunch box.

"Where is Dada abu?" She asked, her voice barely audioable.

"Uh..He..He is home having rest."

The girl seemed to be relaxed bit.

"H-How are you now?" The eighteen years old boy asked, bringing the girl out of her chains of thoughts.

"I'm just feeling a bit dizzy bhai jaan."

Everyone's eyes shot opened, they all looked at her, like she is an alien from Mars.

"M-Mera bacha(my child) what did you said?" Her mother asked trying to come out of shock.

"what?". The girl asked totally unaware of what her family is referring to?

"What did you just call him?" Her tayii ami asked.

"Bhai jaan." She replied while narrowing her brows.

Before the others could say anything her father spoke. "Uh.. Guys come with me for a minute."

The elders left leaving the both children alone.

"I think it's what the doctor said." Her father said while closing the door from behind.

"What do you mean?" Her taya asked.

"Didn't the the doctor said that the glass that hit her forehead can cause her memory loss. I think it's because of that, that she don't remember about the wedding."

The females looked at them worried.

"So now what will we do?"

The males were talking while the females were listening as they were too stunned to speak.

"So, I think it's also good for us, she don't remember and when the time will come we will tell her about the marriage, for now to keep my family safe from that bastard I'll go to London."

"But we have to hide our actual names before it gets too late." Her taya said looking at him.

"OK than let's change our underworld names."

"OK than I'll email you them and the details."


"I have changed the temperature to minus thirty."

Aaraiz held her hand. He took out the keys from the man's pocket and Marched towards the door.

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