Chapter XXI

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Next day after alot of pleading finally Aisha succeeded in making Aaraiz agree for trip.

They left their hotel with big smiles, ready for the day ahead.

Their first stop was the Grand Bazaar. There were lots of tiny streets and shops. Aaraiz thought it was cool, and Aisha was super excited.

"Look at all the neat stuff!" Aisha said, pointing at everything.

"Yeah, it's amazing," Aaraiz agreed, looking around.

They spent a long time at the market, looking at carpets, pottery, and colorful fabrics. Aisha liked bargaining with the sellers, while Aaraiz liked admiring the pretty things.

By noon, they were hungry. Aaraiz knew a good restaurant nearby, and they went there for lunch. The place was cozy and smelled delicious.

Aisha looked at the menu, feeling hungry. Aaraiz suggested trying a bunch of small dishes called meze.

"Let's try everything!" she said with a grin.

They ordered hummus, baba ghanoush, tabbouleh, and stuffed grape leaves, along with warm bread.

As they ate, they talked and laughed. Aaraiz told Aisha about his travels, sharing stories of his adventures.

After lunch, they were ready to explore more. But as they left the restaurant, Aisha noticed some guards standing outside.

Aisha felt a bit uneasy. "Guards? They are here too?" she asked.

Aaraiz shook his head, surprised that how she saw them. "Yah, it's okay. We'll be fine," he said, sounding confident.

Aisha hesitated, but Aaraiz seemed sure, so she didn't argue.

They walked around the city, taking in the sights and sounds. They felt happy and free, enjoying each other's company.

Aaraiz and Aisha, hand in hand through the bustling streets of Istanbul, the city alive with the energy of its people.

The sun dipped low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the ancient architecture that surrounded them. Their destination? The iconic Blue Mosque, a masterpiece of Islamic art and a symbol of Turkey's rich cultural.

As they approached the grand entrance of the mosque, Aisha's eyes widened in excitement. "It's even more beautiful than I imagined," she exclaimed, her voice filled with awe.

Aaraiz smiled, "Wait until you see the inside," he replied, his own excitement palpable.

They slipped off their shoes and stepped into the cool marble interior of the mosque.

The air was thick with the scent of tuilps and Itar (Arabic scent) and rays of sunlight filtered through the stained glass windows, casting colorful reflections on the floor.

Aisha gasped as she looked up at the elegant minarets that stretched towards the sky. "It's like stepping into another world," she whispered.

Aaraiz nodded, his eyes alight with passion. "This mosque has stood for centuries, a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of its builders. It's a place of worship, but also a work of art."

They wandered through the vast prayer hall, taking in the exquisite details of the intricate tilework that adorned the walls and ceilings.

Aaraiz pointed out the mihrab, the niche that indicates the direction of Mecca, and the minbar, the pulpit where the imam delivers his sermons.

As they admired the beauty around them, they were approached by a friendly guide who offered to show them around. Aisha nodded gratefully while Aaraiz seemed to be bothered, and they followed the guide as he explained the history of each architectural feature.

"It's amazing to think about the generations of worshippers who have prayed here," Aisha remarked, her voice filled with reverence.

The guide smiled warmly. "Yes, the Blue Mosque is not just a tourist attraction, but a spiritual center for Muslims from around the world. It's a place where people come to find peace and solace in the midst of life's chaos."

As they continued their tour, Aaraiz and Aisha listened carefully, soaking in every word. They learned about the intricate process of creating the beautiful blue tiles that give the mosque its name, and the symbolism behind the patterns that adorn its walls.

As the sun began its descent, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Aaraiz and Aisha found themselves into the mosque's prayer hall.

Aisha glanced around, marveling at the grandeur of their surroundings. "SubhanAllah, it's so peaceful in here," she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur.

Aaraiz nodded in agreement, his gaze drawn to the intricate details of the mosque's architecture. "It's like being enveloped in a sense of serenity," he replied, his tone reverent.

As the time for Maghrib Namaz approached, they found a quiet corner of the prayer hall to perform their ablutions and prepare for prayer.

Aaraiz carefully laid out their prayer mats, ensuring they were facing the direction of the qibla, while Aisha smoothed out the creases with gentle hands.

Together, they stood side by side, their hearts beating in unison as they prepared to communicate with their Creator.

As the call to prayer echoed through the mosque, they bowed their heads in reverence, joining the ranks of Turks and other peoples who had come before them.

Aaraiz and Aisha recited the words of praise and supplication, their voices blending with those of the other worshippers in perfect harmony.

As they bowed and prostrated, their minds filled with thoughts of gratitude and humility.

They were grateful for the opportunity to stand in the sacred space of the Blue Mosque, surrounded by the beauty of Allah's creation. And they were humbled by the realization of their own insignificance in the vastness of the universe.

As the final words of the prayer left their lips, Aaraiz and Aisha lingered for a moment longer, their hearts overflowing with a sense of peace and contentment. They knew that this moment of connection with their Creator would stay with them long after they left the hallowed halls of the Blue Mosque.

As the tour came to an end, Aaraiz and Aisha lingered for a moment longer, reluctant to leave the serenity of the mosque behind. "Thank you for showing us around," Aisha said, her voice filled with gratitude.

The guide smiled. "It was my pleasure. I hope you've enjoyed your visit."

Aisha nodded, her heart full. "It's been an unforgettable experience," she replied while Aaraiz just nodded.

Hand in hand, they made their way back out into the bustling streets of Istanbul, their hearts and minds enriched by the beauty and history they had encountered within the walls of the Blue Mosque. As they walked, they knew that this would be a memory they would treasure for a lifetime.


"Welcome to Turkey Aaraiz Khan."

"Put the temperature of machine on minus fifteen."

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