Chapter XXVIII (3rd Last Chapter)

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"I talked to them, they will inform about his location soon." Faraz told everyone while going towards the special persons of day.

The guest were almost done with the food by now. The members of the family followed him amd went towards the stage, where Anazir was already present.

Omar felt vibration and on checking, he found his phone buzzing inside his pocket. He took out his phone and quickly accepted the call of Inspector-general.

"Assalam o alikum! Omar, The phone of Mr. Aaraiz can't be tracked as it is switched off. We found a car a bit far from the city, towards Blue World area. It's burnt, and upon inspection, we found a single burnt body inside. The car belongs to Mr. Aaraiz, but we can't confirm the identity of the body yet. We've sent it for forensic analysis. I'll keep you updated."

The call cutted after telling the information leaving Omar with no words to explain the situation. His eyes went to his sister, smiling and laughing.

His chains of thoughts was broken by another call he checked and his eyes widened. He swiftly picked that up.


The guests had started leaving as the Khan family stood near the gate. Thanking the guests. The media and paparazzi peoples had started to leave too while Omar was dealing with them. They all were busy when the clouds thundered loudly making everyone flinched at the sudden sound, and in Seconds, it started raining. Another sound but this time of police siren ringed in their ears.

Their eyes quickly moved to the police officer coming towards them. The family gathered near them, Zain and Amara along with Anazir exchange their glances before taking steps towards them.

"I'm here to inform about Mr. Aaraiz. The dead body we found has matched the DNA of Mr. Aaraiz."

Everyone's eyes widen in shock.

Aisha clutched Aliya's arms tightly.

Noises of media people and guests..... Her tayi's crying.... The rain drop's sounds..... Her dadi's questions... Her mind wasn't there... She wasn't hearing their questions... Her mind went somewhere back.

The remaining media peoples had started making videos, collecting the new spicy information.

The rain started pouring heavily, making everyone wet with water but who was paying attention to this.

Faraz's fist tightened as he promised himself in mind, for taking revenge of his son.

Yusuf put his hand on Faraz's shoulder, telling him through his actions that he's with him.

Fatima held Sara, who was on her knees crying her heart out, her own tears falling down.

Zain and Amara, stood there still unknown. Hearing Anazir's inquiry there unquestioned questions answered.

Amara clutched her dress in hands and swiftly ran near her and embraced her in a sisterly hug.

It was a heartbroken moment for whole family.

Everyone was crying, of course it was a young death, but here was someone whose tears felt to be dried. Aisha, eyes fixed on floor, it seemed she fall into a pool of grief.

They just got married few weeks ago and now her husband was.. Dead.

They all went inside the living room as the guests already had started left. Fatima and Yusuf helping everyone while Omar and Zain went to bring dead body.

The clouds were raining heavily, it seemed that they too are crying for them. The clouds are their companion too. They aren't alone while crying the clouds were crying their heart out also.


The clouds were raining heavily from past few days. The moon and sun veiled theirselves from earth. The stars were no where to be seen. The roads were covered with water.

With rain's dripping and Fatima's sound in her mind, Sara entered inside her room.

"Bhabhi please you have to be strong for Aisha's sake, she lost her husband. You should go and console her, she didn't ate anything from past three days. " Fatima said while her cheeks were dry. Indicating that she too cried alot.

"How? Suddenly? He left us? He left his mother alone? " Sara spoke in a low voice.

"Bhabhi it was tend to happen, Aaraiz was given this much life to spend, Right now you have to be strong for the sake of Faraz bhai, Zain and Aisha." her voice cracked when she said her own daughter name.

Fatima's words echoed in Sara's mind as she sat beside Aisha, her heart heavy with sorrow and fear.

She knew that she had to be strong for her daughter-in-law, to offer her comfort and support in her darkest hour of need.

But how could she find the strength to console Aisha when her own heart was breaking into a million pieces?

Aisha didn't even glanced at her, it was her condition from past few days. Just looking down, lost in her thoughts, thoughts that were consumed by memories of Aaraiz.

It felt like Aisha also died with Aaraiz.

Her eyes fixed on the album of their wedding, their smiling faces.

Sara held their picture, caressing it lovingly, hot tears started dripping from her eyes.

Fatima entered with a tray and put that on bed. She looked at Sara, who nodded, Fatima left leaving the mother-daughter alone again.

"Aisha.. Please eat something." Sara requested, putting her hand on her's.

"Aisha.. Please eat something. Look it's Aaraiz's favorite dish. He would love to see you eating his favourite dish." Sara told, forwarding a moral near her mouth but she remained still. She didn't even blinked her eyes..

"Aisha...You will not listen to you Tayi ami?"


"Here open your mouth."

Sara tried her best but like others she also gave up. Aliya, Amara, Fatima even the others also tried but she wasn't talking. Leave talking she wasn't even moving.


The rain was pouring heavily with no sign of stopping. The rain droplets dropping from the hem of her dress. Her dress completely wet due to the drops that were continuesly falling on her.

Her lips quivering with cold and were turned blue due to standing in such cold rain for more than an hour.

Yet all this seemed to be had no effect on her as she was still standing there. She whispered his name, name that had filled her life laughter and happiness for her but now the whole balcony was in deep silence except the sound of rain droplets.

The rain showed no sign of stopping. She had no umbrella, no shield against the storm, for it seemed only right that the heavens should cry with her, that the world should share in the heartache that weighed so heavily upon her shoulders.

Her fingers traced the face of him in the picture, the cold stone a harsh reminder of the warmth she would never feel again. Memories flooded through her, unbidden, each one a sharp stab of joy so intense it bordered on pain. His smile, his touch, the way his eyes lit up when he looked at her-gone, all gone, taken by a twist of fate as cruel as it was unexpected.

Her family had told her that time would heal, that the rawness of her grief would fade into a dull ache, a scar to be borne but not a wound that would forever bleed.

Yet as she stood there, the rain mixing with her tears, Aisha felt the lie in those words. Time could not return what had been stolen from her. Time could not fill the void that his absence had left in her life.


She again whispered his name, a prayer, a plea, a lament. The rain grew heavier, as if in response, the sky itself sharing in the burden of her sorrow. She didn't know how long she stood there, time had lost all meaning. There was only the rain, the stone, and the overwhelming presence of his absence.

"Aisha" His voice ringed in her ears as she swiftly turn around only to find her husband Aaraiz standing there.

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