Chapter II <meet Up>

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Tears brimmed in Aisha's eyes, a mixture of frustration and disbelief clouding her vision. With a surge of emotion, she lashed out, her fist colliding with what she thought was the unyielding surface of the wall. Instead, her hand met something unexpectedly soft-a person.

She looked up, startled, to find a man standing before her. He was an enigma, his features unfamiliar, not bearing any resemblance to her cousin or father. Aisha's brow furrowed as she assessed the stranger, her heart racing with a blend of fear and curiosity.

Aisha: "Mr. You are a thief, right? Look, I would have helped you in robbing, but now I won't as you dirtied my favorite dress."

Her voice was a fierce whisper, a lioness defending her territory, yet he merely raised an eyebrow, an unspoken challenge in his silent response.

Aisha: "You are standing in my house, and I will scream, which will result in you standing behind the bars of jail."

She stood defiantly, hand on her hip, ready to defend her home against this intruder.

???: "Who the hell are you?"

His question sliced through the tension, his voice a deep timbre that resonated with an authority that sent involuntary shivers down her spine.

Aisha: "Huh, standing in my house and here you are trying to threaten me, hmm? What is your name?"

He raised a brow, his demeanor unflinching.

??: "Aaraiz Khan. Now what's your name, miss?"

The moment his name left his lips, Aisha's heart skipped a beat. The very person she had been avoiding was now mere inches away from her, and she had just insulted him.

Aisha: "A-Aaraiz b-bhai Jaan... I-I am very sleepy. I-I will go now... Take care... Good night, sweet dreams..."

She stammered, her composure crumbling as she turned to flee. But before she could escape, he grasped her arm, his touch surprisingly gentle. His eyes, wide with concern, scanned her attire before he quickly averted his gaze.

Aaraiz: "Change your dress into full sleeves and pants or in shalwar kameez and come to my room within 10 minutes."

With those words, he departed, leaving Aisha seething with indignation.

Aisha: "What does he think of himself? He can rule me like his siblings? Never."

The thought of defying him crossed her mind, but practicality won out as she noticed the stains marring her once-favorite dress. Reluctantly, she changed her attire and, after a moment's hesitation, knocked on his door.

Aisha looked at his room while standing Imfront of him. She didn't saw his room when Aliya and Zain give her tour of their house in evening.

His room was showing his taste. It was a combination of black and gray.

The king sized bed in the middle and on one corner there was a table, maybe for his work.

There were total three doors. One that was connected to corridor. Second maybe of washroom and third?

His manly scent had seized the room. The room felt warm.

Upon entering, Aaraiz's gaze briefly met hers before darting away, but not before something caught his attention.

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