Chapter XXV <coma>

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Asalam o alikum!

Guys the season 2 of 'Khoj-e-Ishq' is not possible due to the ending I have chosen and right now I'm thinking of unpublishing my book cuz there are more than 2k views but nor someone Comments neither do they vote. If this chapter didn't got 8+ votes I'll unpublish this story.

"She..... She....went into coma." The doctor spoke, being scared of his anger but to his surprise, he quietly went inside the room.

He entered inside and held her hand, sitting on bed, beside her.

"Aishii..why are you doing this to me?"

His tears started falling.

"Please become fine...for my sake....please." He brust into tears, looking at her calm sleepy figure.

_____°°° _____

He came inside the room.

Hairs messy, dark circles under eyes were clear, he looked pale and weak. He was still wearing the same dress, from past two days.

He sat on stool beside her bed.

"Sir please, eat a little bit, you didn't ate since two days." His employ spoke.

He had called his few trusted employs, he knew that he need someone now.

It felt like everything from world has been drained out, World felt colorless. He didn't wanted to do anything, not even his work. She was every where in his mind.

He was so lost that he didn't realized her finger moving.

"Sir...boss...Mam..." The employ tried to spoke buy couldn't due to happiness. His own heart was feeling bad for his boss, maybe cuz he never saw him like this, in this state.

Aaraiz startled, looked at her and than at him.

"Boss..miss she lifted her finger."

His uninterested face quickly changed into shock and happy. He quickly looked at her finger but it was in it's place where it was before.

"You saw?" He spoke but hopelessness in his voice was clear.

"I saw that...she lifted.." The employ spoke with a sigh.


"No, no Ami Aisha wanted to spend a few more days so we will spend another week here." Aaraiz lied.

"Okay... Is everything alright?" Sara inquired.

"Yes...why what happened?"

"Nothing....Aisha didn't called us from past 5 days and your voice also looks weak."

" she forgot to don't worry I'll tell her to call you all."

"Ok...oh...I forgot to tell you the thing I called for."

"What happened?"

"Amara and Zain are getting married and we thought that the party, Aisha had asked for, Why not we celebrate their Walima and Party together."

"'s a good idea...I'll hang up now Allah hafiz." He said in one breath and cut the call, without waiting for her reply.

Aaraiz had strictly frobaded his known peoples, who know about this incident, to not tell this in Pakistan, to his family.

He was in his thoughts but was looking at her face, his eyes widen in happiness and surprise, when she opened her eyes.

She slowly opened her eyes but quickly closed them due to lights. She adjusted her vision to light and finally her eyes went to him, froze on ground, tears falling down.

" are you? Wait I'll call the doctor."

He quickly went outside to call the doctor.


He came inside the room, a smile came on his lips seeing her all awake.

"You know what, I had to lie a lot about you." He grined.

"How?" She really didn't wanted to talk but her curiosity..

"Ami had called three to four times and was asking about about you, I told that you are busy in enjoying honeymoon."

"You're put all the allegation on me."

"Haha I don't and I can't..believe me."

The nurse who was standing there smiled. She also had seen his broken side in last few days.

"Aaraiz are you alright?"

He passed her a confused look.

"Your eyes and face."

His eyes widen. "...maybe due to watching your pretty face everytime." He teased but she rolled her, she looked at him again as she remembered something.

The nurse helped in sitting and than she told the nurse to go out for sometime.

Aaraiz, who was confused, sitting there quietly. "What happened?"

"I want to ask something important and don't you dare to lie to me." She threatened but he laughed.

"Okay okay fine ask." Her glare made him to agree.

"The man, who kidnapped us, told lie that day right?" She asked holding his hand in her weak ones.

"Aisha...look..Omar and Zain also got to know this all later...this was hidden to ensure the safety of you all..."

"Just answer my question." There was harshness in her voice.

"This was true...but we told you that you had and accident and our marriage was the desire of Dada jaan. So, we didn't lie."

"You all didn't, but kept us in darkness...I hate mafia work and now I got to know that my own family belongs to underworld. I am a daughter of mafia, wife of mafia, sister of mafia, and I didn't even know this, my whole life was a lie. How pathetic."

Her voice loud, but it was normal compared to the noises in hospital. She said like mocking her ownself.

"'re taking it to wrong wa-."

"I want to know all...all the truth....what and happened... Why we became a mafia...what's something that made us a mafia."

"Okay fine...I'll tell you the truth but first let's eat something."

"I want to know now at this moment."

He sighed. "Okay fine."

"Our Dada jaan's father was killed by someone almost thirty years ago from now. Dada jaan knew this but he hid this from everyone. He knew who killed him and wanted to take revenge. The fire of revenge inside him, made him mafia. The person you meet few days ago...his name is Max, he killed our grand father and his father too. When we took our number One position in underworld, he did that accident, in which you loose your memory. Aisha we are a mafia but we never did something you are thinking." He explained.

"Who else know this all?"

"Dadi jaan, Baba, Ami, Chacho, chachi Omar, me and Zain, he got to know, about us being a mafia, when he joined the company."

The nurse entered inside and they both looked at her.

"Mr. Aaraiz, miss needs to take rest and some thing to eat before taking her meds." The nurse informed.

"Hm so what's in her diet schedule."

"Sir chicken soup for now and than later after two hours she will have glass of milk and than her today's last doze of medicine."

Aaraiz nodded while Aisha made a yuk face.

"Okay bring them." Her eyes widen, she had thought that he will say no knowing her hate to these foods.

"Im not hungry." She pouted.


The nurse already had left while they started talking.

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