Chapter IV <shadi-2>

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Asslam o alikum!

Sorry readers, I couldn't upload due to some net issues.

Thank you.


In a serene ambiance adorned with elegant decorations, the Khan family gathered to witness the sacred union of Aliya Khan and Omar Khan in the Islamic tradition.

Faraz Khan, and Yusuf Khan, stood proudly beside their children, ready to officiate the nikkah ceremony.

Before the Nikkah could start, the person who was least expected, appeared- Shehryar family.

Zohra came towards the stage while displeasure was appeared on the Khan family members.

Aaraiz held Aisha's hand and give it a light squeeze, gesturing her to stay calm.

"Ama please forgive me, I'm sorry, I didn't knew about the Nikkah." Zohra pleaded while Shehryar came forward. "I'm ashamed for her behaviour, I wouldn't let her this if I was here."

The gossips between the peoples increased. Everyone was wondering that why the only daughter of Zohra khan didn't came, than they are doing Nikkah without Shehryar family's presence and now their sudden entry.

"Why are you here? Didn't I told you to never show me your face?" Faraz asked, his voice filled with anger and harshness.

"Bhaii I'm sorry." Zohra and Shehryar were pleading for forgiveness while Haya was standing behind them, with tears in her eyes.

Indeed one-sided love always hurts but we shouldn't loose our self-respect, we shouldn't do cheap things to get them.

Whatever happens in our life is what Allah has choosen best for us. If we don't get someone, than it's for own benefit, but some people's don't understand this.

"Ama let's discuss this matter later, for now there are alot of peoples." Yusuf suggested.

As the gentle melodies of Quranic recitations filled the air, the atmosphere became imbued with a sense of sanctity and reverence.

The imam, dressed in traditional attire, began the ceremony by reciting verses from the Holy Quran, invoking blessings upon the couple and their union.

"Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, wa salatu wa salamu 'ala Rasulillah. Dear brothers and sisters, we gather here today to witness the union of Aliya and Omar in the sacred bond of marriage. Let us begin with a prayer for their happiness and prosperity."

With heads bowed in humility and hearts filled with devotion, Aliya and Omar listened attentively as the imam delivered a sermon on the importance of marriage in Islam, emphasizing the values of love, compassion, and mutual respect that should guide their relationship.

"Marriage is a sacred covenant in Islam, a bond of love and companionship ordained by Allah. It is a union based on faith, trust, and understanding, where husband and wife support and cherish each other through life's trials and triumphs."

Following the sermon, the imam turned to the couple and asked for their consent to proceed with the nikkah.

"Aliya, do you consent to marry Omar, agreeing to fulfill your duties as a wife and companion according to the teachings of Islam?"

"Yes, I do."

"And Omar, do you consent to marry Aliya, agreeing to fulfill your duties as a husband and provider according to the teachings of Islam?"

"Yes, I do."

With sincerity and conviction in their voices, Aliya and Omar affirmed their intention to enter into marriage, declaring their commitment to each other in the presence of their families and Almighty Allah.

As witnesses to this sacred bond, Faraz and Yusuf offered their blessings and support to the couple, expressing their joy at witnessing this momentous occasion.

"May Allah bless your union, my dear Aliya and Omar. May your marriage be filled with love, happiness, and prosperity." Faraz prayed for his daughter and son-like son in law.

"Indeed, my children, may Allah shower His blessings upon you both and guide you on the path of righteousness." Yusuf said looking at his childern.

With tears of happiness glistening in their eyes, they embraced their children, their hearts overflowing with love and pride.

The imam then recited the marriage contract, outlining the rights and responsibilities of husband and wife according to Islamic law. Aliya and Omar listened intently, fully aware of the solemn vows they were about to undertake.

"Do you, Aliya, accept Omar as your lawful husband, promising to honor, respect, and cherish him for all the days of your life?"

"Yes, I do."

"And do you, Omar, accept Aliya as your lawful wife, promising to love, protect, and provide for her as ordained by Allah?"

"Yes, I do."

With the recitation of each clause, Aliya and Omar affirmed their consent, sealing their commitment to each other before Allah and their loved ones. As the final words of the contract were spoken, the imam pronounced them husband and wife, and the hall erupted in joyous applause and celebratory ululations.

Aisha, Sitting beside Aaraiz on the stage, surrounded by their family and friends, she couldn't help but feel a longing to experience the sacred bond of marriage once more, this time with full awareness and understanding.

Feeling Aaraiz's gaze on her, Aisha turned to him with a playful smile. "You know, Aaraiz, I want to feel this too," she whispered, her eyes reflecting a mix of sincerity and mischief. "I want to do the nikah again, this time with you."

Aaraiz raised an eyebrow, his lips curling into an amused smirk. "Oh, really? And why's that?" he teased, pretending to be oblivious to her earnest desire.

Aisha nudged him gently, her eyes dancing with excitement. "Because I want to experience the joy of declaring our love in front of everyone, just like Aliya apii and Omar bhai are doing now.

Besides, it'll be a chance for me to truly understand the depth of our commitment to each other."

Aaraiz's expression softened as he looked at his wife, his heart swelling with love and affection. "You never cease to surprise me, Aisha," he admitted, his tone tinged with admiration.

"But I suppose we can consider it, if it means that much to you."

Aisha beamed with delight, her heart fluttering with anticipation. "Thank you. You're the best," she declared, feeling grateful for his willingness to entertain her whims.

Together, they watched as Aliya and Omar exchanged vows, their hearts filled with happiness for the newlyweds. As the ceremony drew to a close, Aisha and Aaraiz joined the congregation in offering prayers for the couple's happiness and prosperity.

As the family bid their farewells and departed, leaving the newlyweds alone, Aaraiz and Aisha found themselves in the company of Aaraiz's business associates.

Aaraiz exchanged pleasantries with them, however Aisha had noticed how his voice was again Cold.

Mr. Mir, One of Aaraiz's associate, was looking at Aisha continuesly. Aisha feeling uncomfortable under his gaze, quickly tightened her grip across his arms. Aaraiz looked at her confused.

"What happened?" He asked, moving towards her ear to whisper.

"I-I'm okay.. Nothing." Not wanting to create any scene, Aisha stayed quiet.

After sometime, his associates left leaving Aisha to sigh of relief.



"I can't stand seeing another man touch you like that. You're mine, and mine alone."

Aaraiz's stern look cut through her. Why help him?

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