Chapter XXVIII <back To Family>

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"I'm really in no mood of eating and especially chicken soup ew no way." She protested.

"But you need to eat something, you have to take medicines."

"Okay than I'll eat something else." She made her best puppy face.

"Hmm... What do you wanna eat?"

"Pizza.... Or... Burger."

"They aren't healthy... Tell some healthy food love."

"But I'm in no mood of eating something else."

"You will have to eat by hook or by crook."

"I just woke up and your torture started." She pouted.

"Hmm... Than fine I'll bring Pizza and burger both but-"

"Fine." She agreed almost quickly hearing the word 'fine'.

"Atleast listen cuz I know that you're gonna regret later."

"Okay tell." She made an annoyed face.

"You will have to drink milk for a whole month three times a day. Doctor said that it will help in making your immune system better."

Her eyes wide and she looked at him with jaw dropped. Milk is first enemy in every dictionary of hers. She can drink the most bitter medicine but milk no way.

"Ugh why I always have difficult choices, in shopping I see the most best dresses and I have limit of 5 dresses to buy from my dear ami jaan. You yourself tell me isn't that a pure torture?" She said nodding her head as no, making a sad face like it's really something to be sad of.

He face palmed himself.

A phone ring interrupted them as Aaraiz picked up the phone.

"Walaikum Salam Yes?"

"Yes.. Yes.. I applied for Admission.."

Aisha narrowed her brows at the mention of 'Admission'

"Okay... She will join after a week."

He cut the call and his eyes went on Aisha, brows narrowed, hands crossed.

"What... Happened?"

"Whose admission? And who is this 'she'?"

Aaraiz poked his cheek and looked away, trying to control his smile at her cute jealous face. He would've told her but her face was looking so cute soo he decided to tease her further.

"Who she?"

"The one about whose admission you were talking."

"Ohh she.."

"Yes she? Who is she?"

"There is someone.... Cute, beautiful, pretty-"

"I asked who is she?"

He licked his lips in order to hide his smile.


Aisha glared at him. "Who is this girl?"

"I told you a pretty-"

"I don't want to hear her compliments."

"Okaay okay.."

Aisha raised her brow, telling him to continue further.

"She is my wife."

Her eyes widened and all of sudden her energy level went to her high. "What? My admission? Where? Why? How?"

He sighed. "One question at a time wifey."

"Why my Admission?"

"What Why? You have to study further."

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