Chapter XXIX <new Couple>

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Aaraiz, Omar and Zain entered inside the house but got statled seeing Aisha and Aliya standing there.

"Saajin ji ghar aaye." (saajin ji came home)

"Dulhan kiun sharmae?" (why should the bride feel shy?"

Three of them looked at Aisha and Aliya with confuse look.

Zain came towards them, putting his hand on their foreheads one by one, like checking their temperature.

"Oho bhai leave this." Aliya said moving away.

"what's wrong?"

"what happened?"

"why are you two behaving like this?"

Three of them asked but at the same time.

"lets go inside and dadi jaan will blast the bomb."

"what?" Zain asked.

"Just tell what happened." Omar asked, looking at his wife and sister.

"what's so hurry? Let's go inside."

Aisha and Aliya held their husband's arm taking them.

"Now what will I do? I'm still single. I guess I should get married too." Zain pouted, and talked with no one particular.

With a deep sigh, he went inside, but the next thing he saw made him confusion grew more.

Anazir sitting on her usual head couch.

His mother and chachi on other couch, it was shocking as at this time they are mostly busy in kitchen.

His father and chacho were sitting on other couch, the one beside their wife's couch.

Amara was hugging her mother. She had tears.. Wait was she crying? But why?

Aliya, Aisha, Omar and Aaraiz were standing there with different expressions. Aliya and Aisha's face held mischievousness while Aaraiz and Omar's face were telling that they were forcefully made to stand there.

"what happened? Is there something on my face?" Zain asked, looking at almost each person's face one by one.

"No no." Anazir chuckled.

"we want to tell you something important."


"You're getting married."

"what? With whom? I'm telling I'll not agree if I didn't liked the girl."

Aisha went near him.

"Okay Brother in law." Zain thought that Aisha said this by Aaraiz's relation.

"Bhai you're getting married to Amara" Aliya spoke making Zain gasp while the others laughed at his reaction.

His liking for Amara was clear and the elders had noticed this before too.


He entered on the terrace and saw her looking at the sky, where the moon was alone.

"Can't wait to meet me huh?" He asked in a fun mood but stopped seeing tears on her face.

"You want this marriage to happen right?" He asked and finally she looked at him.

"I call to tell you something, I don't want this marriage to be based on lie."

He raised a brow and sat beside her, under the moonlight.

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