Chapter XVII <wedding Night>

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Asslam o alikum!

"Where are you taking me?" Aliya inquired with a pout.

"wherever I want." Omar replied simply, his eyes glued to road.

"hm you don't wanna tell me right?"


"Than I'll not go with you anywhere." Aliya crossed her arms across her chest.

"Okay okay, we are going home." Omar told with a laugh.

They both talked, laughed but on the car the side the scene was totally different. Aaraiz was not talking, leave talking he was not looking away from road, and Aisha knew why he was like this..

"I'm sorry, I couldn't deny him."


"Atleast say something."

Aisha became quiet knowing that he's in anger and will not listen to any

Soon they all reached to their home, same some but with different relation.

They all rode off from the Aventador. As soon as they opened the gate, the whole mansion lit up with lights, the rockets shoot up to horizon, creating a blissful moment.

The whole Khan mansion was decorated with flowers and lights. The lights were already attached to walls few days ago but flowers. It was surely challenging to decorate the whole mansion after the leave of couples, in order to surprise them.

"MashaAllah! " Anazir exclaimed, coming with her sons and daughters.

The brides stepped on the cloth of cotton, completing the first ritual, and went inside.


Aaraiz, after being tired from all The rituals was now finally going Towards his room. But soon his eyes went on Amara and Zain, standing there with smirks on their faces.

"Finally you're here bhai." Amara said moving forwards from door a bit.

"Why are you both here?" His voice was cold and deep, Zain knows this voice but will not back off today for the sake of his new-bike desire.

"Bhai, the last ritual of today." Zain said, standing beside Amara.

"Can't it be tomorrow?"

"No, it's the special kind of ritual. So give us five lac and go to your bride." Amara said.

"I'll give them tomarrow."

"No we want now."

In frustration Aaraiz took out his phone, a minute later 'ting' voice was heard from Zain's phone.

"thank you soo much. Take care. We will take our leave."

Aaraiz entered inside the room. His room decorated with red flowers, candles were lit up, the lights were closed creating a romantic scene.

His wife was sitting on bed, her dress spreaded over the bed. She was looking ethereal or maybe hoor, but he wasn't in a mood for a romantic talk.

Aaraiz came and stood inform of bed, crossing his arms across chest. Aisha bit her lower lip, afraid of what his reaction will be?

Aaraiz pinned her to the bed. His anger radiated off him, and she felt trapped, both physically and emotionally. Her heart raced, and she struggled to find her voice.

"WHY THE FUCK WAS HE BEING SO CLINGY WITH YOU?" Aaraiz's outburst startled her.

His grip on her hands tightened, and she winced. "A-Aaraiz, y-you know that he's just a f-friend of m-mine," she stammered, tears welling up.

He took a deep breath, his eyes still locked on hers. "I told you to stay away from him. Didn't I?" His voice was cold, unyielding. Aisha's mind raced. She had never seen him like this before-so possessive, so volatile.

"I-I'm sorry," she whispered, her tears now streaming down her cheeks.

"Why did you helped him? I know that mean very well. He is totally playboy, the reason I was telling you to stay away from him will you listen to me?" His voice was deep and angry.

She had no idea how to calm him down, how to make him understand that there was nothing between her and the other man. But Aaraiz wasn't listening.

He leaned in, his lips dangerously close to hers.

The room held its breath as their faces hovered inches apart.

Aisha's heart pounded, torn between fear and desire. She had never wanted anyone like this-never felt such conflicting emotions.

Aaraiz's anger was intoxicating, and she hated herself for craving his touch even now.

"Say it again," he demanded, his voice low and demanding. "Tell me you'll stay away from him."

Aisha hesitated but then she remembered the way Aaraiz had held her, the way he had kissed her just days ago. She couldn't deny the truth any longer.

"I promise," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I'll stay away."

And with that, Aaraiz's lips crashed down on hers, erasing any remaining doubts. The room blurred, and all that existed was the heat of their bodies, the desperation of their kiss. The kiss was hungry and passionate, showing his anger. Aisha surrendered, knowing that this dangerous game had only just begun.


The next day started but seems like Aaraiz was still angry on her. Last night he slept, without talking further.

She went downstairs to meet everyone. Going in kitchen, she found Sara and Fatima engrossed in their motherly talks, but they stopped, once the spotted her. "Hyy mera bacha why you woke up early? You must be tired." Sara scolded looking at her tired face.

"No Tayi ami I woke up so I came to help you all." She said smiling but Sara again interrupted.

"Hey why will you? Me and Fatima will handle, you go and wake up Aaraiz." Sara said flipping the paratha.

"No Tayii ami let him sleep, there is alot of time and lemme help you I'm bored."

Sara smiled and finally Fatima spoke. "It's okay come you make omelette while I'll go wake up your father." Fatima said excusing herself from mother and daughter.

"Aa Tayii ami should I flip it now?" Aisha asked looking at the omelette in front of her, she is cooking something except Chai and noddles for first time, so it will happen.

" yes check it."

Aisha flipped the omelette and it was cooked almost. A smile adorned her beautiful angelic face.

"It's done. How many are there left?" Aisha inquired while putting the omelette in the pot.

"Me and your Taya abu are not gonna take omelette today so these seven will be enough." Aisha smiles but soon faded when she heard her Tayii ami.

"Okay now go and wake up Aaraiz I had thought that he will change after marriage but look this man suddenly pull out his meeting from nowhere and-" Sara furiously started spitting her anger but Aisha cutted her to not waste the time.

"Okay I'll go." She quickly came inside the room while on her whole way she was remembering her first night. Never in her life she had thought that her first night will turned out to be like this.



"So, have you decided?" His husky was enough to send shivers to her core.

"He... He... Left... He broke up with me." Amara told, breaking into tears.

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