Chapter XXX <Turkey>

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Assalm o alaikum to all my readers!

Here is a long chapter for you all.

The khan family's private jet landed on the land of Turkey. Aaraiz stepped out of plane with his wife Aisha.

Aaraiz dressed in black pants and white shirt looking handsome like always.

Aisha in white shirt and pistachio color sweater, White color pants with black hijab looking ethereal.

Aaraiz intertwined his hands with her's whispering. "Welcome to Turkey love."

Aisha took a glance at him before again looking at airport. "Thank you. Know what it's really beautiful... Beautiful than I had imagined."

Soon they found themselves in fortuner, route to their luxurious hotel was filled with Aisha's blabbering about her wish to come in turkey and her planings.

Their arrival at the hotel was met with disappointment when Aaraiz informed Aisha that he had a business meeting to attend.

"What? But, we're in Istanbul! I want to explore and see the sights," Aisha protested, her disappointment evident in her voice.

Aaraiz sighed. "I know, Aishii, but this meeting is important for our business. I promise we'll have plenty of time to explore later and you already knew that I was coming here for business purposes first."

Aisha looked at him with a pout.

"Okay than I'm going take care and lock the door from inside and don't let anyone else expect me inside okay?"

Aisha was still angry on him so she just looked away with huff and crossed her arms across her chest.

Aaraiz smirked and pulled her near him, wrapping her arms around her tiny waist. He whispered huskily in her ear. "If you want me to not attend the meeting than we will have a plenty of time in hotel right?"

Aisha blushed and hit his arm turning towards other side. "Okay fine go. Take care Allah Hafiz."

He back hugged her and smiled. "you too."

He peaked her forehead and left.


Aisha paced back and forth in the huge hotel apartment, her mind thinking ideas on how to escape the the apartment.

Aaraiz had insisted on hiring two guards to ensure her safety rn, but she was determined to find a way out.

With each passing minute, her frustration grew, knowing that Aaraiz would be occupied with his business meeting for the next few hours.

She glanced around the room, her eyes landing on the balcony door. Perhaps that was her ticket to freedom.

Quietly, she made her way to the balcony, her heart pounding in her chest as she turned the handle. But to her bad luck, she found it locked, with no way of opening it from the inside.

She let out a frustrated sigh, realizing that this would be harder than she had expected.

"This man is determined to make me die of boredom today." She rolled her eyes.

Undeterred, she turned her attention to the main door of apartment. With a sense of determination, she tiptoed towards it, her hand reaching out to grasp the handle.

But before she could even turn it, a voice came from the other side.

"Miss, is everything alright in there?" one of the guards asked, his voice came through the thick wooden door.

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