Chapter V <game>

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"Zain bhai jaan, will you leave me?" Aisha asked stopping the Zain from behind.

"No, buddy, I'm getting late. I need to take this file before the meeting. Go with Aaraiz bhai jaan." He said while sitting in his car and soon the drove off. She made a pout and went inside Aaraiz's room.

"Are you inside?" She questioned, standing outside the bathroom door because she didn't see him in the room.

Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her. Is it ASB? What is he doing in Aaraiz's room? No, it can't be him. She was about to ask when the person turned her around after covering her mouth with their hand. Now she was sure it's ASB. She sighed when she saw Aaraiz.

"Will you do me a favor bhai jaan?" He smiled at her question. " Of course."

*What's wrong with him, he never smiles this much*

"Can you drop me at Zainab's house? please please"

He seemed a bit puzzled at her question. "hm...okay."

A smile came on her lips she don't want to skip this special occasion because of just not finding someone to leave her, plus she can't even go with cab when her brother and cousins are are home, as when coming to Pakistan her father had strictly forbade her to not go with cab until it's very necessary and she don't know why he said so.

"Thank you so much." With her thousand watt smile Aisha replied.

"No problem, and call me when you're free, I'll pick you up."

She had thought of telling Omar as she don't want to listen any scoldings from Aaraiz. "Oh, no need fo- okay." She was refusing him but stopped when she saw his glare.


Aisha went inside and saw Zainab standing among a lot of girls and boys. Well, she's always been the center of attention. On her first day at university, she met her after a long time, as they were besties in London.

Ahmed was also zainab's best friend, and that's how she met him. He also became her best friend.

She went towards them, and Zainab hugged her while she congratulated her on her nineteenth birthday.


Every member of Elevate Enterprises was present in the meeting, all looking tense.

"The question is, how did he survive?" Charmer asked totally worried.

"I think he is making himself strong first." Falcon said looking at Engima.

"What if I go to there main working area?"

"Okay, then take Charmer with you too..."

"No, Mr. Phantom, there should be someone here too. I will handle them."

"Okay, let's see and think about it..."


The party went on, and Aisha was getting very bored. There were a lot of friends, but all of them were Zainab's friends. Aisha knew a few of them, but the guys were totally flirty shit.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

"What's wrong? Why are you sitting here alone?" It was Ahmed, a smile came on her lips as soon as she saw him.

"Thank goodness, someone came otherwise, I would have died of boredom today."

He looked at her confused but soon with a smile, he sat in front of her and asked. "Why?"

"Because I don't know most of them here, and I didn't want to disturb the birthday girl." She replied.

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