Chapter XV <Shadi-3>

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Asalam o alikum!

Sorry for late update guys.

Her moment of relaxation was short-lived as she was taken aback by the unexpected arrival of Ahsan, an old friend from her past. Her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of him, memories of their childhood flooding back with startling clarity. She saw Ahsan entering with Hammad Uncle.

"Ahsan!" she exclaimed, "I didn't knew you were connected to Uncle Hammad."

Ahsan smiled warmly at her, his gaze softening with genuine affection. "Yes, it's been too long, hasn't it? I didn't expect to see you here tonight. You look stunning, by the way."

Aisha blushed at his compliment, feeling a rush of warmth at his familiar presence. "Thank you," she murmured, unable to suppress the smile that tugged at her lips.

As they engaged in conversation, Ahsan's touch became longer than necessary, his hand brushing against hers in a way that sent a shiver down her spine. Aisha's discomfort grew with each passing moment, her mind racing with conflicting emotions.

*He was not like this before* She thought.

Aaraiz's gaze darkened as he observed the exchange from the room. His patience wearing thin at the sight of Ahsan's overly familiar behavior.

Unable to tolerate the situation any longer, Aaraiz intervened, his voice cutting through the air with a hint of warning. "Excuse us for a moment," he said curtly, holding Aisha's hand and gently guiding Aisha away from Ahsan and towards the bridal room.

Once inside the privacy of the room, Aaraiz wasted no time in expressing his frustration. Pinning Aisha against the wall, he locked the door behind them, his movements scary and dangerous. His eyes blazed with intensity as he gazed down at her, she held her breath and gulped visibly.

"Aisha," he began, his voice low and husky with no emotion. "I can't stand seeing another man touch you like that. You're mine, and mine alone."

Aisha's heart fluttered at the possessive edge in his tone. Not wanting to make him more angry she replied "I'm yours, Aaraiz," she whispered, her voice trembling with fear. "Only yours."

A knock on door was heard, causing Aaraiz to move back, he opened the door and found his mother standing at the door. "Is everything alright?" She asked, worry clear in her voice.

"Yes just wanted to talk."

She nodded and after telling him to come quickly she left. He once again turned towards her. "Let's go and stay away from that Ahsan. I know him very well."

Well you all must be confused who this Hammad is? As I mentioned him before too. He is a kind of Khan's relative but not that close to call each other home. Hammad had invested in Faaraz's old companies and had worked with him for many years. That's how their relation grows to this extent.

Once again sitting beside the Aliya and Omar's couch, Aisha noticed that everyone was looking at her making her a bit nervous.

The family members asked about what happened? And why they suddenly went? Aaraiz simply responded that he wanted to talk to her.


"hmm so what's the plan? I know she will try to ruin my sisters new wedding." Amara inquired Zain, after bringing him to side.

"Yeah I was thinking the same. I have a plan." Zain told her the whole plan and they got ready to fight for their siblings.

Aisha's blood was boiling at the way Haya was treating her husband. She glared Aaraiz, but he seem to be enjoying this all.

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