Chapter III <his Anger>

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Aliya: "Aisha, what did bhai jaan say?"

Aisha: Her eyes darted between Aliya and Zain, her fingers nervously twisting a loose strand of hair. "He agreed, but..."

Zain: His brows furrowed, curiosity etching lines on his forehead. "Then why have you made such a face?"

Aisha: She hesitated, her gaze shifting to the floor. "I wanted to tell something important to all of you."

The room seemed to hold its breath as they stood there, a trio bound by shared secrets and familial ties.

Amara: "What happened? Tell us now." Her voice was gentle, coaxing the truth from Aisha's reluctant lips.

Aisha: "Chachi was right..." Aisha's voice wavered. "We don't know anything."

The air thickened, and Aliya exchanged a knowing glance with Zain. Their assumptions, once steadfast, now crumbled like ancient ruins.

Zain: "What do you mean, Aisha?" His voice softened, revealing concern beneath the surface.

Aisha: "We used to think that there was no girl in Aaraiz bhai jaan's life, didn't we?" She glanced at the framed family portrait on the wall-the four of them, frozen in time.

Aliya: "I don't think.. it's confirmed." Aliya's eyes held a mixture of hope and skepticism.

Aisha: "We were wrong." Aisha's words hung heavy. "I overheard him talking with someone named Kashi..."

Aaraiz: "Don't you guys want to go?" His voice interrupted their collective musings.

Aisha and Amara, still caught in their silent battle, exchanged glances. The car keys lay on the table, a tangible choice between past and future.

Amara: "Please, Aisha, you go. Aaraiz bhai will bring you ice cream too." Amara's pleading eyes softened the edges of her resolve.

Aisha: "No, no. Zain bhai jaan will also bring me." Aisha's loyalty to her brother was unwavering.

Aaraiz: "Aisha, come and sit in my car. Don't you want to go?" His voice held a hint of amusement, as if he knew the intricacies of their unspoken rivalry.

Aisha shot a glare at Amara, who was already sitting in Zain's car. She reluctantly moved to the back seat when Aaraiz spoke.

Aaraiz: "Sit in the front." His command brooked no argument.

Aisha: "No no, bhai jaam, It's good here Im okay here." But she slid into the passenger seat, her heart racing.

Aaraiz: "I didn't ask for advice." His eyes met hers in the rearview mirror, and she felt the weight of his unspoken words.

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