Chapter XXI <Got Shot>

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Asalam o alaikum!

Here is another chapter for you all guys, need you love and support.


Aaraiz hands stop on their place, his eyes went to the revolver in his hands it's direction behind him. He quickly turn around but the sight he saw, he would never wished to see.

He quickly ran to Aisha before she could faint.

"Aisha... Aisha..AISHA." He screamed her name but she just looked at him with tears in her eyes.

He quickly lay her down and went towards the rival in a fit of fury. His anger had seized him fully.

The rival was already so beaten that he couldn't run. Aaraiz held his collar and with other hand he cut his neck through the small knife he had.

He ran towards Aisha, picking her up he ran forward.

The area was quiet abandoned. There was barely a light. The moon was removing the need of torch.

Soon they reached a road. He stood there, calling for help.

Soon a cab stopped in front of them. Aaraiz quickly settled in car saying. "Drive to the near hospital ASAP."

He started carrasing her face."Aishii please keep your eyes open. Please." He pleased looking at her fainting eyes.

He can tell that she was trying hard to not loose conscious. "Aisha... Aisha...keep your eyes open."

He looked at driver "Drive fast."

"Sir I can't speed the car above 140."

"JUST DRIVE FAST." He yelled causing the driver to flinch. The driver speeded the car.

She cupped his face, with her bloody ones. "Take care of yourself after me."

He looked at her with wide eyes. "N-Nothing will happen to you. You will be fine. I won't let you happen anything. Just keep your eyes open."

As like ignoring his words, she told "Remember... I'll.... I'll always love you... I'm happy that I got a partner like you."

"Aisha I'm telling you that you're gonna be okay." He told her but it felt like he's telling this to himself.

As they reached the hospital.

He picked her up and before he could go the driver said. "Sir payment?"

He looked at him with his red eyes. "Wait here." He took her inside the hospital, the nurses were running behind him with a stretcher but he was going towards the OT. He wanted to waste no single time.

On reaching, he quickly lay her down, the nurses started taking the stretcher inside the OT ward, their intertwined hands separated.

He went back to cab driver and asked for his phone.

"Hello! I'm fine....Talk to this man and send the money to him." Saying this he forward the phone to other man.

After the man cut the call Aaraiz was about to go, when the man interrupted. "Mr. Do I know you? I mean it seems that I have seen you somewhere. What's your n-"

"Aaraiz Khan."

"What? You're Mr. Aaraiz khan? Pakistan's bussiness man?"

Ignoring him Aaraiz started moving further towards stairs and main gate.

"And she?......She was your wife right?"

He started climbing the stairs but his next words halted him on his place.

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