Chapter XXX <Caught?>

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السلام علیکم!

Guys here's another chapter and now to unlock the next chapter, I need 7 votes and 5 comments on this chapter.

Happy reading!

Soon after their dinner, they came out while it was almost night. The darkness had seized the whole.

"Aaraiz?" She called him, while he stopped and looked at her. "Can we walk for sometime?" She bit her lip while looking down.

He was confused as her face was telling that she's really scared. "Aisha it is almost night."

She made her puppy face. "Please please pretty please. I'll listen to your, everything, everytime please."

He took a deep sigh and gestured her to walk forward. "Aa can I ask something one more?"

He narrowed his brows. "hmm."

"Can't we leave these guards here? Please I want to have some private time with you. Please." She pleaded but it seems that it had no effect on him.



He sighed. "Okaay but only half hour."

A smile appeared on her lips, she quickly hugged him. "Thank you soo much."

They both started walking towards the streets, the streets that were glistening with lights but there is not always light everywhere. There is a time when we have to cope with darkness.

Aisha held his hands and he smiled at the little gesture. They both talked and laughed. Soon they reached a dark alley.

"let's go back Aisha." Aaraiz said while stopping.

"No i want to walk more." Aisha whined whole turning towards him.

"No let's go." He said as they both turned around but Aisha gasped as soon as she saw someone.

"Welcome to Turkey Aaraiz Khan."

Aaraiz's eyes widened. "You? what are you doing here?" He was shocked but didn't showed it.

"Wao! Here my biggest rival came and I'll not even come to meet him. What are you saying and no need to prepare for attack here I am." The man said.

Due to darkness Aisha couldn't see him.

"Aisha stay behind me." he said while standing in front of her, ready to protect his wife, fulfilling his promise, he made when he was of eighteen years, on their Nikkah.

"But who is he Aaraiz? What does he want from us?" She was confused and unable to control her curiosity, she asked.

"Aisha it's not the time for this, I'll tell you everything later." Just then they were surrounded by alot of men.

"who are you?" As she can't stay away without interfering in any matter, she spoke.

The man chuckled. "You didn't even told your wife? You destroyed the life of a poor girl."


"Catch them" The man said, his men started to go towards them.

Aisha and Aaraiz fought bravely. Aaraiz being an expert in taekwondo, finished the men, who were coming towards them. He didn't let any men reach towards Aisha.

Aisha was standing behind Aaraiz, when suddenly a hand wrapped around her mouth, just then the darkness came in front and she fainted.

"Stop if you want your wife to be alive."

Aaraiz looked towards the source of voice and his blood boiled at the sight. "leave her. JUST FUCKING LEAVE HER."

The man smirked. "Tie him."

His men came. And they tied Aaraiz with rope.

As soon as they were done the man leave Aisha, causing her to fall on ground.

"AISHA." His voice ecohed and it was the last thing he heard before he fainted.


Aisha slowly opened her eyes and the first she saw was Aaraiz. "Aaraiz." Her voice ecohed through her the whole room. "Aaraiz." She once again called him and he seemed to be gaining conscious.

She tried to free her hands but the rope didn't let her. The room was cold and she was feeling sick.

"Aisha." He called, his voice barely audible.

"Aaraiz. Where are we?" She asked, looking here and there, trying to see but couldn't due to darkness.

At her question, Aaraiz realized, he looked here and there like her trying to understand but soon he remembered everything and the first thought he he got was Aisha? Her safety? Her protection.

"Aisha you okay?" His voice contain woriedness.

Just than the voice creaked open and the man entered. His figure was same as the Man who attacked.

"You guys woke up?" He sat in the chair while Aisha and Aaraiz were sitting on cold floor.

"It is quite chilly here right? Wait lemme do something you guys must be feeling cold." He called, his men came inside.

"Put the temperature of machine on minus fifteen."

Aisha's eyes widened. "who the hell are you? " Aisha asked.

"Hey! You don't know me? Me?" He dramatically made a shocked face.

"I'm the one who hit yo-" He explained but Aaraiz interrupted.

"You stay quiet."

Aisha looked at Aaraiz before again looking at the man.

"Aaraiz let him speak." Aisha said and the man laughed-- evily.

"I'm the one who hitted the car to you, that's why you loose your memory."

Aaraiz closed his eyes trying to control his anger.

"but why are you after us?"

"hey you don't even know this? Tsk Tsk your family always kept you beind the curtain. They didn't told you the truth."

Aisha's confusion grew. "What do you mean?"

He chuckled. "oh you belong to a mafia family. Your parents are mafia. You don't know this?"

He started laughing while Aisha looked at Aaraiz shocked. He was looking down, first time in his life he was looking.

"Is he saying the truth?" She asked but her voice was barely audible.


"Finally! My wish fulfilled. I know my son will always protect her."

In the very next moment the cars collided with eachother, the girl was now laying behind a tree while her forehead was all covered with blood, the last thing she saw was a destroyed car, her grandfather beside her--his whole body covered with blood, the driver was also fainted

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