The picnic

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Me, Maxine, and Kayla are getting ready in our dorm. "Kayla, do we really need makeup? It's just a picnic," I whine. "Of course we need makeup. Don't you want to look pretty?" she responds. "I agree with Kayla," Maxine states. I grumble, but I let her do my makeup.

----- A few minutes later -----

By the time we get outside, everyone is already there. "Where were you guys?" Jax asks, "I thought you guys ditched us." "We're fashionably late," replies Kayla. Jax looks at me and his jaw drops. AG, Maxine, Jocelyn, and Kayla all look at each other, and burst out laughing.

"Wow Jax! You're in awe!" Jocelyn manages in between laughs. I smirk, as Jax says, "No I'm not!" "Yeah you are!" I say as I laugh. "Wow you're really in love aren't you Jax," Ollie teases as he cracks up. His face turns as red as a tomato. "Shut up," he mumbles. "Just admit it Jax, say she looks pretty," Jack says as he tries to calm down.

Jax scowls at everyone, but then mutters, "she does look pretty though." No one hears it except me. I blush and turn away.

"Anyway, where's the food?" Ollie asks. "I have it," Jocelyn replies, and I'm glad for the distraction. As Jocelyn hands out food and Ollie devours the Patty cakes, I sigh contently. I love these people. Their like my second family.

Hey guys! This is my first time publishing so i hope u like it! Shout out to @TheAnologyQueen for inspiring me to make this! Leave some feedback in the comments. I'll try to update every week! Bye for now!

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