Soulmate AU

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Kayla's still got a chapter about how great she is coming. I'm sorry this was in my drafts for so long I just can't change it. Very sorry, just remember that Kayla is a queen and she deserves a lot better than what I make her.

AU: When you fall in love with your soulmate, and they truly love you back, a heart the color of their eyes will appear on your wrist.

"WAKE UP, MS. COBBLER, MS. WINGTIP, AND MS. HOCKLER, SOULMATE DAY IS HERE," Miri yells at the top of her lungs (does she have those?). I groan. I'm not excited. Unlike Kayla and Maxine, who are already up and about.

"Come on, Gilly! This'll be fun!" Maxine exclaims. Today is Soulmate day, which means if you fall in love with your soulmate, each of you will get a heart the color of your SM's eyes on your wrists. And the day also does stuff that makes it practically impossible to not fall in love with your soulmate. But, there's a catch. If you're already in love with them, by the end of the day, you'll have kissed them. 3 times.

That sorta ruins this day that's supposed to be exciting.

"I don't wanna," I complain, but eventually, I get up. After taking my time getting ready, I slowly walk out of the door. Maxine and Kayla left sometime during my way-too-long-get-ready session. I trudge down the stairs towards the cafeteria, where I'm met by all my friends.

"Hey, Thief," Jax greets me as I sit down. I nod back in his direction, focusing on my food like it's the most interesting thing in the world. My friends continue to talk and laugh, all except for me and Jax. He looks uncomfortable, like me. Maybe he doesn't like this day either.

"You ok, Thief?" He asks me after all our friends leave. I shake my head.

"I just don't like how this day is today," I tell him, shrugging. 

"Me neither," He agrees, "I don't love the idea of being forced to be in love with someone. That should be your choice. And the already in love part-" He winces. I slightly wince too. That wasn't exactly what I was saying

"Right?" I sigh, "I just want this day to be over." He nods.

"Let's go, we're gonna be late to class," He finally says. He stands up, and holds out a hand to help me up. I take it, but my foot gets caught in the seat, and I stumble. I fall into Jax, and my lips crash against his.

I pull away so fast, I'm scared I'll get a whiplash. My hands fly up to my mouth.

"I'm sorry!" We both exclaim at the same time. My face heats up, and so does Jax's.

"Let's go," He mumbles, walking away. I walk with him to our first class of the day, MMC with Professor Sebastian.

This. This is why I hate Soulmate Day.

We enter Prof. Sebastian's classroom, and take our seats.

"Good morning, Class!" He greets us, rather cheerfully. Weird.

"Good morning," We all respond politely.

"As you know, today is SMD," He smiles. I watch all my ships in the class not-so-secretly glance at each other. Jocelyn and AG, Kayla and Ollie, Jack and Hayley, and Maxine and Kyle.

I know for a fact that Kayla and Ollie were just made for each other, and Jack and Hayley are already dating. AG is the only one who can keep Jocelyn calm. Kyle is such a sweetheart, him and Maxine were written in the stars. Jax and I are the only ones that aren't in love with anyone.

Well, that's mostly Jax.

"Today, you're going to write about a person that you're glad is in your life," The Beast tells us, "You'll have 45 minutes, starting now." I know exactly who I'll write about. I don't know why, but I trust that Sebastian won't tell anyone what I wrote, so I can just pour my heart out on here. I pick up my pencil and start writing

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