What if...? Part III

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Alright guys. 5000 words later, here we are. Hope you guys like it!

Gilly's P.O.V.

The next morning, I wake up at about 4:00 AM. I tiptoe across the room and grab my bow and arrows, careful not to wake Jax. The rest of the group hasn't arrived yet, so I assume they're sleeping back at the school. Before I walk out the door I hesitate. Should I...? No. What happened last night is all the more reason to go ahead with my plan. I run out the door before I can change my mind. I sprint all the way to Rump and Alva's hideout, where I hide behind a tree. As soon as Alva comes out, I can make my move. I feel my pocket to make sure my wand is there. Good. I need it to make the portal. Just then, Alva walks out of the tent. No one else is up. I start to mumble a chant.

"To the Land of No Returns a portal shall open to, To the Land of No Returns a portal shall open to." A small bluish-green circle appears, slowly getting bigger. Alva turns to it.

"What-" She starts, but she's cut off when I tackle her from behind. She lets out a scream, and people start to file out of their tents. A siren starts to wail, and Rump comes out of the biggest tent at the end of the camp site. I stand up and quickly make a protective shield around me, Alva, and the portal. Then I turn towards her. I knock an enchanted arrow in my bow, and I'm about to aim when Rump walks towards us. Somehow, everything and everyone around us freezes, including Alva.

"Hello Gillian," He greets coldly, "Before you do anything, I would suggest you listen to me." I narrow my eyes at him He uses a wand to lift up a bubble full of people. I look closer and realize...

"I have your friends here," He tells me, "So don't do anything rash." In the bubble, Jocelyn, Kayla, Ollie, and Jack, are all banging across the wall, trying desperately to get out. AG is in the corner, sitting down. No Jax. Maybe he's still at base? I hope so.

"Oh, and your dear friend Jax," Rump begins. I just had to jinx it.

"Jax has his own personal bubble, where he will watch as whatever you do comes with a consequence." He smiles wickedly. A big bubble appears behind him, where Jax is sitting, his eyes wide. I bite my lip.

"Ok Stiltskin," I hiss, "You have my friends, I have your love. So how about we do what you do best. Let's make a deal." He smiles again.

"And what may that deal be?" He asks.

"If you let all of my friends go, I'll never bother you again," I tell him, "All of my friends must escape safely, and I won't do a single thing to you ever again." He nods.

"Done." He snaps his fingers, and all my friends are automatically on the ground. He looks at them to make sure none of them are trying anything, and I take the opportunity. I lunge for Alva, and push her into the portal. She falls in.

And so do I.

The last thing I see is Jax's eyes, full of fear.

The last thing I hear is him scream, "Thief!"

The last thing I feel is cold air blasting from the portal.

The thing I say is, "Goodbye, Jax. I love you so much."

Done! So I hope you guys liked this little story, and I'll try to update when I can. I'm thinking about writing one about taylor swift. What do u guys think? Byeeee! <3

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