The Ball (Final Part)

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Hello dear readers! Last part, finally. So instead of just one of those ideas from the poll, I combined 2 of them! Not that i'm telling you which... you have to find out for yourself. Anyway, hope you like it! Byeeeee!

Jax's P.O.V.

BOOM! I turn around to find someone flying toward us as glitter explodes behind her.

"Damn it, Jocelyn! I was almost ready!" Gilly complains. There's glitter everywhere.

"Not my fault you did something stupid," Jocelyn snarls.

"Woah, woah," I cut in, turning to Gilly, "what did you do, thief?"

"I didn't do anything!" she exclaims, but the smirk she's obviously trying to hide gives her away. I raise an eyebrow.

"All I did was switch out her shampoo for green hair dye!" Thats when I finally look up at Jocelyn and realize her hair has a slight greenish tint to it. I stifle a laugh. Jocelyn glares at me.

"You're gonna pay Cobbler," she seethes.

"We don't have time for that, it's almost time to leave," I tell them, "Gilly, go get the glitter out of your hair, and Jocelyn, I'm sure you have some type of potion to get out hair dye." Gilly salutes.

"Yes, Your Highness," she teases. I roll my eyes and make a movement with my hand like, 'go!'. Jocelyn grumbles, but eventually slips back to her room. Just then the others arrive.

"Hey guys," Ollie waves them over. AG, Maxine, Kayla, and Hayley, all look confused as to why it looks like a glitter bomb exploded in the hallway. Which, of course, it did. Ollie quickly retells the story and the others nod, as this is pretty normal. Soon after, Gilly and Jocelyn arrive back. Jocelyn's hair is still tinted a bit green, but I feel like this wouldn't be the right time to tell her that.

"Miss Cobbler, Mr. Porter, and all the rest of you, your carriages are here," Miri says.

AG's P.O.V.

"Okay, thanks Miri!" I respond. We all head toward the doors, and realize that it's pouring rain out. Jocelyn magic's us some umbrella's and we head out.

"Hello," the carriage driver greets us, "there's been a slight problem with your carriages." I frown. What does he mean by that?

"What do you mean?" Gilly asks, voicing my thoughts.

"See, we can only fit in 6 of you in one carriage, so some of you will have to go in a separate one," he explains.

"We can give you another carriage for free, as this is a problem on our part," he adds after a minute. We all look at each other.

"Jax and Gilly can go in the other carriage," we all blurt out at the same time, except for Gilly and Jax. Jax raises an eyebrow at us, and Kayla smirks.

"We just know that if anything is to happen, you guys can handle it by yourselves best," Kayla says. We all nod our heads in agreement. Gilly looks at Jax, then back at us.

"Okay, then," she says after a minute, "You guys go in one carriage, and Jax and I will go in the other."

Gilly's P.O.V.

I can just see the gears turning in our friend's brains when they all shout out that me and Jax can go. As we get into the carriage I look at Jax.

"They're trying to set us up," I state.

"Yeah, they are," he agrees.

"They're crazy."

"Tell me about it."

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