Sleepover (Part I)

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You know what my first thought was before I wrote this?

"Why the actual hell haven't I thought of this before?"

Like, I've been working on drafts that I'm super bored of and then this comes to mind and I legitimately have to look to see if I've done it before.

I'm make this a 7 parter

Enjoy luvs!


"A sleepover?" Jack frowned, "Seriously?"

"Yes, a sleepover, and if you don't wanna come then don't," I snapped back. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gilly roll her eyes at us. For good reason, too. We'd been going at it for over an hour, right after I suggested it. And we wouldn't stop.

And then I guess Gilly got tired of it.

"A sleepover," She interrupted, casting a glare at both of us, "But only if you two stop it! I'm getting a serious migraine from all your arguing, and I can't believe it, but Jax is actually right."

"What do you mean actually?" I pouted.

"Oh my Grimm," Gilly sighed, leaning against the wall, "Look, Jack if you're just gonna keep complaining, then don't come. And Jax, could we do it at Royal Manor?"

"Yeah, sure," I nodded. Raz loved when I brought my friends over.

And then I went back to fighting with Jack.

"Shut up!" Gilly exclaimed, making both of us stop, "Seriously, what is wrong with you guys? All you do is fight! For like, no reason, too! I swear, the things you get mad about are so stupid, it's like you guys just wanna pick a fight for no reason. So again, if you don't shut up, we're not doing the sleepover."

I was more surprised than anything, but Jack just looked like he didn't care.

"Yeah, whatever," He rolled his eyes. Gilly clamped her hands into fists, and sent him a death glare.

"One more word Jack," She warned, deathly quiet, "One. More. Word." That shut him up. 

Thank Grimm for Gilly. Gilly wasn't the only one getting a headache from his stupid voice. The rest of our friends looked back and forth between Jack and her, terrified of what might happen if he actually spoke.

"Ok, well, if we're doing it at Royal Manor, then we better get packing," I said.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Gilly nodded.

"Hey, how come he can talk," Jack whined.

Gilly threw her hands, muttering something along the lines of, "I'm so done with this."

"I'm leaving," I announced to no one in particular, "Now Jack, quit whining and decide of you wanna come or not. You're lucky I invited you."

"I made you invite him," Gilly reminded me.

"Yeah," I sighed. I really needed to start saying no to her sometimes. It was getting to the point where she could tell me to go jump off a cliff, and I would do it. As if he could hear my thoughts, Ollie snickered.

"Anyway," He said, "I'll just go pack now." The rest of our friends agreed, and soon it was just me, Jack, and Gilly.

"Well, I'm coming," Jack grinned, much to my dismay, "But, uh, is Hayley coming?" My head shot up, and I stared at him.

"Fairy Be, Jack," I gasped, "You like her!" He blushed violently.

"Well, you like-"

"C'mon, Gilly, let's go pack!" I said over him, making sure that no one could hear what his last word was. I grabbed her arm and practically dragged her out of the door.

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