Incorrect quotes

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OMG GUYS! I HAVE 311 READS NOW! Anyway, now you may enjoy some incorrect quotes.

Gilly: *beating up Jax's bully*

Also Gilly: I'm not in love with Jax, we're just friends!

Ollie: Are oranges called oranges because oranges are orange, or is the color orange called orange because it's named after oranges?

Jax: No way you just said orange 7 times in one sentence at 4AM in the morning.

Kayla: I can't find Gilly, I wonder where she is?

Ollie: Yeah, and I can't find Jax. Where could they be?

Kayla: They're DEFINITELY not hooking up in the garden.

Ollie: Definitely. That would just be crazy.

Jocelyn: The amount of sarcasm in your voices is slightly terrifying.

Gilly: So, Jax, I read your homework

Jax: *Goes pale* you read the one where I wrote about being chased by a clown at 3AM and running into my sisters room screaming like a little girl and crying but then realizing it's just our dog Prince???

Gilly: ... You know, I'm not even going to ask

Kayla to the rest of the crew: Guess what guys? I have an elf!

Gilly: Really? Where? I wanna see.

Kayla: You might have to look down a bit, but here it is! *Points to Ollie*

Ollie: I'm not that short!

Jax: Wow, it talks? It sounds kind of squeaky

Jocelyn: I will never fall in love

AG: Hi!

Jocelyn: *falls all the way down to hell*

Hayley on a date with Jack: So how did you feel when you fell for me?

Jack: Like I fell down a beanstalk.

Hayley: What does it feel like now?

Jack: Like hell.

Hayley: You little-

Jocelyn: Would you slap Jax for a million bucks?

Gilly: I would kick Ollie for free

Ollie: hey! That hurt my feelings

Gilly: your feelings aren't gonna be the only things that hurt

Jax: Hey Gilly

Gilly: Hi, how are you?

Jax: Great! Even better now that you're here!

Gilly: Wait... what?

Jax: *fighting with Gilly* You think you can just say anything with that pretty mouth of yours!

Gilly: what???

Ollie: I told you he wants to kiss you even when you're fighting

Ok thats all! Idk abt the last 2, but the rest were fine I think. Byeeeee!

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