The Eras Tour

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Yes, I have always imagined Gilly as a swiftie. I'm pretty sure I read another fan fic like that but I kinda frgt the name. Also, for some reason I have a really hard time thinking of Gilly as a tomboy even though she is😭😭😭 like my brain just makes me think she acts like a girl but doesn't like girlie stuff. Does anyone out there agree??? Anyway, on with the story before the rioters outside burn my newest house down like the last one.

"So, Thief, you like Taylor Swift right?" Jax asks me. I nod, slightly confused. Why is he bringing that up?

"Do you love her platonically?" He questions.

"Yeah," I respond.

"Do you like her music?"


"Do you love her music?"


"Do you like me?"

"Yeah- WAIT." All of our friends laugh.

"There we go," Jax states, "Gilly admitted she likes me."

"You tricked me," I glare at him. He rolls his eyes.

"Sure, Thief, sure," he teases. I glare at him even harder. Grimm, I can feel my face heating up! STOP BLUSHING!!!

"Well anyway," He says, "That's not the reason I brought up Taylor Swift."

"Oh, so that was just for fun? You like seeing me get embarrassed?" I scowl. His eyes widen.

"Wait a minute, that's not what I meant," He starts.

"Yeah, whatever," I mumble, turning away. I lean back in my chair.

"Someone's grumpy today," I hear Jocelyn mumble.

"Did anyone ask you?" I snap, facing her.

"Gilly, calm down," Ollie begins. I stand up, and walk away. They don't understand. I mean, it's not like I do either. Why am I so grumpy? I slept so well last night, I've been having a great day, so what's happening? Oh. But why does that make me grumpy in the day? It only happens in night. Why does it happen? Why do I have those-? My thoughts are cut off when I almost walk into the door of my dorm. I open the door and walk to the bed.

"Why does my dorm look like thi-?" I start to say to myself, but when I realize where I am, my eyes widen.

"Crap!" I yell, and start to run to the door. Too late. He walks through the door.

"Gilly?" Jax asks, "What are you doing in my dorm?" I freeze.

"I uh, walked into the wrong one," I rub the back of my neck sheepishly.

"What could you have been thinking about that distracted you from knowing where you're going?" He inquires.

"Well, I realized I've been kind of grumpy today," I explain, "So I was wondering why. I got my answer but then I had a bunch of other questions about that answer. And then I almost walked into the door." Jax nods.

"But Gilly, why not any other room?" He questions, "Why mine?" I shrug.

"I dunno," I answer. He raises an eyebrow, but doesn't say anything. Then, he walks over to his bed and sits down, patting the side next to him. I sit down next to him, glancing nervously at the door.

"Calm down, Ollie's gonna be bunking with this kid Zeus," Jax informs me, knowing what I'm thinking. As always.

"So... What are we here for?" I ask him.

"We're gonna figure out why you're so snippy lately," Jax tells me.

"I'm not snippy!" I snip. Oh. Jax raises an eyebrow.

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