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I'm such a huge swiftie I have like 5 taylor swift stories in my drafts. This is one of them. I'm gonna post each one on special taylor swift dates like her bday, when TTPD comes out in 3 days, ect. Hope you like it!

I walk into my dorm and flop onto the bed. I survived another day. Without embarrassing myself in front of him. The door creaks open, and I sit up so I can see who it is.

"Hey, Gilly," Kayla greets me, walking in.

"Hey," I respond. She puts her stuff down on her bed, then walks to mine and sits down next to me.

"Gilly, what's up with you and Jax?" She asks. I freeze.

"What do you mean?" I question.

"Well for one, I've seen you avoid and ignore him," She starts, and I cringe, "And when I asked Ollie about it, he said he had no idea but Jax was upset because he thought that he had done something." I inwardly groan. I didn't know I was being so OBVIOUS.

"It's not exactly something he did," I start awkwardly, "He can't exactly control it."

"What is it?" Kayla presses.

"You promise you won't tell anyone?" I ask.

"I swear."

"Good," I sigh, "Look, I just can't talk to him. And not because of what he did, he didn't do anything. He's just so- so- gorgeous!" Kayla blinks.

"Oh! That's what this is about," Kayla laughs, "Gilly that's perfectly normal. That actually happened to me for a while before me and Ollie started dating. Maybe singing what you're feeling will make you feel better. That's what I did." I shake my head.

"No way," I tell her, "I don't sing."

"You do now," Kayla says, and with a snap of her fingers, I'm singing.

"He's so gorgeous," I sing, "I can't say anything to his face. 'Cause look at that face. And I'm so furious at him for making me feel this way. But what can I say, he's gorgeous. He makes me so happy it turns back to sad. There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have. He is so gorgeous it makes me so mad."

"Violet eyes, looking in mine, I feel like I might sink and drown and die," I continue, "He's so gorgeous! I can't say anything to his face. 'Cause look at his face!" Finally, the song ends.

"Wow," Kayla breathes, "You're in deep, Gilly. You, my friend, are in love."

Jax's P.O.V.

"I just wish I knew what I did," I say glumly to Ollie. Ollie nods, and opens his mouth to say something, when his phone rings. He checks it, and stands up.

"Sorry, dude," He apologizes, "Kayla's calling me. You know how she gets when I don't pick up." I shrug, and he walks to the other side of the room.

Ollie's P.O.V.

"Ollie," Kayla sings over the phone, "Gilly's in deep."

"Look Kayla," I start.

"I know, you're ur probably in one of those therapy sessions with Jax and stuff," She cuts me off, "But I have info on the Jilly situation."

"Go on," I prompt.

"Ok," She says, "So remember when I avoided you because you looked so good I couldn't face you? Well, the same thing is happening to Gilly with Jax. Here, I recorded her singing and everything. Let me send it to you." I listen to the recording, and smile. Then, I turn to Jax.

"Hey, Jax," I smile, "You should probably go to Gilly's dorm."

Jax's P.O.V.

So here I am, walking down the hallway to my best friend's dorm because my other friend told me that it would solve all my problems. Why am I taking advice from a person who would murder someone for pattycakes, I'm not sure. Whatever. I reach her dorm and knock on the door.

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