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Guys i have a bunch of ideas on what should happen in the next chapter but I can't decide. So instead of me picking, you guys are gonna do the hard work for me! I'm kidding, this is all so that you'll be happy. And so I won't get my house burned down by a bunch of angry readers. Basically, I'll list a bunch of ideas, and you comment on which you want to happen. The one with the most comments wins!

1. Jax is enchanted by Jocelyn to dance with Genevieve (the snobby princess from Switched) and Gilly gets upset.

2. The carriage to the ball breaks down with Jax and Gilly in it.

3. Heath flirts with Gilly (cuz he's a major flirt, also Devin doesn't care cuz she know's its just for fun) and Jax gets jealous.

4. Raina flirts with Jax and Gilly gets jealous.

5. Heath flirts with Gilly and Raina flirts with Jax and they BOTH get jealous. (my personal fav)

So which do you guys want?


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